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The Shihtzu lover is here!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by AbbieShihTzu, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. AbbieShihTzu

    AbbieShihTzu New Member

    HI! My name is Hayley. I am in 7th grade and all I can talk about is dogs :D I am a shihtzu lover. I have one called Uuna (aka Abbie) who is two years old, and I would love to get another. I am really an all animal lover. I have a small menagerie (not REALLY that big.... :lol: ) of

    two guppies called Gyp and Vi, who seem to like producing unhealthy offspring, and eat them before I can ever take them out of the tank lol.
    three gerbils
    Two dogs Findlay and Abbie, Shihtzu and Bearded Collie
    And when I get home from holiday a tankmate for Gyp and Vi (mollies of somethin'....any sugestions?) .

    This is a really nice looking forum. I hope I have fun here. I am still getting used to this type of forum, because I have always used proboards. I have a proboards animals forum but I will not give the link for fear of spamming the site. :)

    Hayley And Abbie
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hello Hayley and Abbie
  3. AbbieShihTzu

    AbbieShihTzu New Member

    thanks for the welcome! Abbie says "woof" which is Abbie launguage for "hi"! :eek:
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member


    There's another member (abbeys-mom) that has a shih tzu with the same name, only spelled differently!
  5. AbbieShihTzu

    AbbieShihTzu New Member

    wow! :) thats kinda cool! :D I will post pics of Abs in a minute...hang in there all you people who just drool over little dogs! :D

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