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this is my baby!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by shyangel333, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

  2. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    i am seeing if i can get this pic to work

  3. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Aww, how cute!
    Her head kinda reminds me of Annie.
    (look at the pic that says Codie, she is so beautiful!)

    This is someday's dog.
    I put the pics side by side and they look a lot alike!
  4. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    they do look a like

    what is funny is that codies brother with my sister has his name is chance..he looks idenical to somdays dog....somedays dog is female right???i will take a pic of him in the next couple of days and i will put them on my pics
  5. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    A few of those pics I would swear they are littermates!
  6. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    litter mate too !!!!

    i have lots and lots of pics of her my hubby bought me a digital cam right befor codie was born and i took pics everyday of her life...lots and lots!!!
    codie is one of ten pups my moms dog had....i think she is the preddyest
    she had a perfect horse shoe marking on her nose when she was a pup...now it is a white spot on het nose.....i have pics of the litter i will put them on with the others....
  7. someday

    someday New Member

    Wow...looks like I missed a lot while I was gone..Codie looks like she could have been Annie's sister! I think she's beautiful!

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