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To: Laura05

Discussion in 'Horses - all breeds / types' started by imikec, Jul 12, 2004.

  1. imikec

    imikec New Member


    All I asked in my question, and hoped for. Required an answer from someone who knows horses, maybe a breeder. Who would not give a complicated reply" without actually even answering my simple question"!

    "If a person ask how long can a farm horse run". A person with common sense would imagine any ADVERAGE BASIC AMERICAN WORK HORSE in it's prime. Don't care what freekin breed! Don't most horses have a well known speed of about 50 to 60 miles per hour. Don't most people in adverage good health know matter what race/nationality, run at the same speed, and tire about the same time. I'm not an expert. If the damn horse was old or weak, or what ever, I would have included such information, would'nt that be the odvious thing to do. I was looking for a roundabout answer not a scientific response.

    Question: How fast can an old fat nasty 10 year old lazy "spanish mustang" run before tiring. Maybe 100 yards or maybe none.

    PS Again I'm not obessed with the question, just curious. Although now I don't care one bit anymore.

    Anyhow thanks for your time.

  2. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    Are you asking how long will a horse run and at what speed untill it drops and dies? :shock: :roll:

    try doing some research.... go to Google.com and type in.... how fast can a horse run. you will be amazed!! And no... horses can not run 60 mph. If you find one that can... put it in the Derby! Because the Derby horses only go around 45 mph.

    Instead of coming here and getting all indignent when you give no information on what type, age and fitness your/wouldbe horse is in then how in the heck do you expect an answer?? Get on one and have some one time you. Then you will know!! It isn't that complicated really. :|

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