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Too many fish in my tank

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Cleo1668, Dec 24, 2005.

  1. Cleo1668

    Cleo1668 New Member

    I just got my first fish tank about 2 months ago. I made the mistake of buying too many fish.I started out with a few Neons and Zebra Danios. The tank looked so empty, so I went and got a few more. I kept seeing fish I liked and I would add a few more here and there. Now I realize that I have too many. I have a 20 gallon long tank with 32 fish in it. Right now they're small and seem happy, but I'm sure they'll get bigger. I have a friend who can take some for his tank. I have Zebra Danios, Neon Tetras, Glow Light Tetras, Black Neon Tetras, Von Rio Tetras and Cherry Barbs.
    How many of these type of fish can I keep in a 20 gallon?
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    How many of each do you have? Are there any that you are super attached to and would like to keep?

  3. Cleo1668

    Cleo1668 New Member

    I have 8 Zebra Danios, 5 White Cloud Minnows, 5 Glow Light Tetras, 5 Black Neon Tetras, 5 Neon Tetras, 2 Cherry Barbs and 2 Von Rio Tetras. I'm attached to all of them, but I would never give any of the Zebra Danios or Neon Tetras away. They were the first ones that I got. I'd like to hold on to at least 2 of each of the other ones.
    After seeing my friend's fish, I don't think it's a good idea to give any of mine to him. His fish are much bigger than mine. I think they're Gouramis and I know that they'll eat my fish. I'm either going to wait and see how big they get before I give them to him or else I'll have to find a pet shop that wants them.
    I really don't want to get rid of any. I've actully thought about maybe getting a bigger tank. I don't know what to do.
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Well, if you want to keep them all, you'd need about a 40 - 45 gallon tank.

    If you're sticking to the 20 and you want to keep all your danios and all your neons (the regular neons, not the black neons), then you could keep them and nothing else.

    If you want to keep a few of each, you could keep 3 danios, 2 glowlites, 3 black neons, 3 regular neons, 2 cherry barbs and 2 von rios. I wouldn't keep any of the minnows because they really prefer cooler water. Keeping those 14 fish, would pretty much fill up your 20 gallon.

  5. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    what i think is that do what chanelle said and then give ur other fish away quickly i had a very hard tiem giving my fish away because the bigger they are the more pet stored dont want them...id give em away while tehir little... :)

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