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Tragedy strikes-- heartbroken. Seeking new puppy

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Blessed, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Hi there. I'm new to this site. I am in search of a new puppy, perhaps a shih poo. Please let me know if any of you are aware of a reputable breeder who may have puppies available soon, especially the "non-allergenic" type (although I realize no dog is truly non-allergenic). And if they are in the midwest, even better.

    We have a reputable breeder who is wonderful. She provided us with a beautiful tiny toy poodle. He was perfect. I met him a week after he was born and fell in love instantly. It had been years since we had a dog due to my allergies. But my allergies have subsided greatly--they may even be gone! But to be on the safe side, in case it returns in trace amounts, we decided to go with the toy poodle. Anyway, I had gone to the breeder's house each week to visit our little bundle of joy. We brought our little guy home and we all were crazy about him. I took him with me everywhere. I had one of those carrier/purses that I toted him in, and he loved it! But one day, I couldn't take him where I needed to go, so my breeder offered to watch him for 30 mins. until my husband returned. Well, tragically, there was a freak accident and the breeder (actually, my friend) tripped and fell on our puppy and he died instantly. She is devastated. She has been a dog lover all her life and a breeder over 20 yrs. and nothing like this has ever happened to her. As you can imagine, she is sick with grief. And, of course, so are we. But we assured her that it was an accident, and we must all move on.

    Gosh, we were so attached to this little guy in the short week he was at our home. It's so unfortunate. I guess the anticipation of finally getting this perfect puppy plus the fact that he was so wanted and adored has made it difficult to deal with. But we'll all be fine. Now we are beginning the process all over again to find another wonderful puppy. The joy he brought to us (with the help of our breeder friend) has led us to the realization that we must get a new puppy soon.

    If any of you know of any, we would appreciate any feedback. We don't have a gender preference, but a light color would be nice, and a puppy under 10 lbs. preferrable. Also, we are looking at the shih poo puppies-- are they good for people w/allergies?

    Thanks for your time and consideration. I've read so many of your posts here and seen your pics and your dogs are adorable! (Incidentally, the pic of Monster Bailey is beautiful--our puppy's name was Bailey.) Thanks again!

    Take care.
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I am terribly sorry to hear about your unfortunate loss!!! :cry: The loss of any pet is horrific, and not easy to deal with, I know all too well, and can most definitely empathize with you!

    Regarding a shih-poo breeder in the Midwest, I'll PM you shortly! :wink:

    I wish you comfort and strength during this time!!! :D
  3. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    So sorry to hear of your loss, Blessed. It's always such a difficult process to recover after the loss of a pet. There's a PERFECT puppy out there just waiting for you to find him...Lots of good luck!
  4. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. It rocked our world, that's for sure. Especially the freak accident, and the way it all happened. But we're still blessed, in spite of it all. Something good will come of it. I have to believe that. And I look forward to the PM.

    Thanks! :)
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    In regards to shih-poos, I have two shih-poos myself, and they are WONDERFUL, I wouldn't choose any other breed (or mix)...I have absolutely fallen in love with them!!! :eek:

    They're just too cute (I know, I'm a little biased :wink: ), and have the BEST personality, I couldn't be any happier!!! :y_the_best:

    You asked if they're allergy-friendly, a few allergy sufferers have met my two shih-poos, and haven't had any problems. Another member on this board, MonsterBailey, suffers from allergies (particularly to dogs, I believe), and from what she says, she has had no problems with her shih-poo. (I'm sure she'll ring in on this issue as well when she sees you question!) However, keep in mind that not all allergy-sufferers are the same...what's allergy-friendly for one (or many) people, may not be for another individual. I'd highly recommend spending significant time with some shih-poos and see how you do...that'll be the best indicator!

    Just my two cents!!! :D
  6. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your puppy. I'm praying for you that you will find one soon and it will be perfect for you.
    The poodle, mini schnauzer, maltese, and yorkie, bision dont shed. Their hair comes out when combed like human hair. I to have allgeries and my yorkies don't bother me. The doctors say some people are allegric to the dander though. Like i said Good Luck. xand (((((HUGGS))) where you live in midwest. I'm from southern Indiana.
  7. Blessed

    Blessed New Member


    I'll PM you. Thanks so much for the well wishes.

    Talk to you soon.
  8. Roxie's Shipoo

    Roxie's Shipoo New Member

    Blessed,I am truly sorry for the loss of your puppy. I hope you will find a new baby soon to fill you with joy. I love my little shipoo she is great and I highly recommend the shipoos. Again I am sorry for your unfortunate loss. I will be thinking about you and hoping you find the perfecet pup :kiss_heart:
  9. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Hi neighbor i live by Evansville.. lol small world huh? hope to stay in touch with you. Maggie
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Did the breeder not have another poodle for sale? I love poodles and am getting another soon. I'm not allergic to dogs. But lord oh lord do I love their non shedding factor. Good luck on your search for a shipoo. And welcome to the forum.
  11. Blessed

    Blessed New Member


    Yes, she had one other poodle left. The next day she brought it over to our house, eager to do ANYTHING to try to help with the whole situation. She was devastated. But the darling pooch looked enough like our beloved puppy that it made me cry for 2 hrs., yet, it wasn't our puppy at all. You know? Anyway, time heals. And we'll get through this. We had found a wonderful breeder in northern MI today who had a shih poo for us. So we'll probably do that. And then also, with our breeder friend's next litter, we can still also have first choice. Who knows... we may just end up with 2 dogs after this. From rags to riches. A double blessing! LOL

    I appreciate all the posts and the kind words. I'm enjoying reading these. And it's nice to be here. Thanks again!
  12. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    I'm so sorry you had to go through that! When I was 21 I was out in my parent's front yard with my shih tzu Bea and she suddenly darted out into the street right in front of a car. It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to do anything. It was the most traumatizing thing I have ever seen! She lived for a few more hours and then we decided to put an end to her suffering.
    3 months later we couldn't stand not having a dog around so we found another shih tzu and started all over again. Hard to believe she will be 10 this month!
    It will get easier with time and a new fur baby just might be what you need!
  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I am soooooo sorry to hear what happened. Your story really broke my heart! When my baby was a tiny puppy, I tripped walking down the stairs and nearly killed myself so that i didn't hurt him... it was terrifying...so I can only imagine.

    big hugs to you.... :kiss_heart: :kiss_heart: :kiss_heart: :kiss_heart:

    In the meantime, WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!! There are lots and lots of shihpoo owners on the board, so we'll have lots of advice for ya!!

    Keep us posted!
  14. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss,,that is so tragic.
    These little breeds are pretty fragile sometimes. I have a friend with a rat terrier that got a broken leg when their daughter accidently sat on it.
    Good luck in your search...

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