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update on Keda

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by rxfuture, May 19, 2004.

  1. rxfuture

    rxfuture New Member

    Things are getting better with the socialization process. That is with one exception....Bandit. (my extremely shy pup) He wont come out of the dog house for nothing. I really really am worried about him. Does anyone have advice on how to get him out of his shell? He was always shy but now....he is in his own world and just hides even when his sister is around. I feel so sorry for the little guy. Does he just need extra special attention???
    As for Sassy, she is well adapted to Keda! It is really funny to watch them relate to each other. She is not a least bit afraid! Keda LOVES the company...and there is NO agression on her part what so ever. Sassy RULES!!!!!
    Keda is still limping on the left side the vet thinks it is a sprain so we are watching her. I have noticed another problem....she is urinating ALOT. If she was human I would think,,,,,Kidney infection....do puppies have same symptoms????
    Thanks in advance for advice...this is a great board with reall caring people.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member


    I don't know the answers to these questions. Can anyone else help?

    My best guess about the shy pup would be to let him progress at his own pace - but you can also encourage him to choose to come out! I think I have heard people recommend to do something like sitting outside his house (with or without the other dogs) and casually fiddle with a ball (or whatever toy he likes). Perhaps toss a treat to him every once in a while, or put some on the floor by you (if the other dogs aren't around). Don't stare at him or try to coax him out or anything. Act like you don't really care, but you are going to sit there with your toy and treats. Perhaps read a book or watch TV. If he comes out, gently praise him and give more treats. Don't prevent him from darting back into his house, though. I would probably start with the other dogs elsewhere, and gradually re-introduce his sister and then Keda. This will take time, of course.

    Hopefully someone with more experience will have some more ideas for you!


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