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welcome new _shih-poo_ owner!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by golfgirl, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. golfgirl

    golfgirl New Member

    Welcome, great site isn't it! I also am a new shih-poo owner. Our female is now 15 weeks and weighed 3.8 # at 14 weeks. I'm not sure of the answers to most of your questions, but everything I have read says that they are great with children. I know our Bailey, is very friendly with everyone! I found the first night to be the hardest, then I moved her crate into our room and we havn't heard a peep out of her since. I also put a hot water bottle in with her and a stuffed animal. Ours is a little stubborn and I found she will only listen when there is a treat involved!! She is almost fully trained to go outside-we used a bell tied to a string by the front door and every time I took her out, I would kick the bell. Now she rings it when she wants to go out-most of the time! There have been a few accidents when she forgets to ring, but not many. I was worried she would be afraid of new things (the vacuum cleaner etc.) but I find she is very curious about things. I actually held her in my arms the first time I vacuumed, but she wanted to get down and investigate! She loves our cat, but pesters her constantly to play. Our cat is declawed, so learning to leave the cat alone hasn't really resulted in a favourable response.She thinks her "hissing" means time to play! poor cat! Can you post a pic of your puppy? I would love to see it. How much does yours weigh? Bailey had coccidia and girardia, so I have her on meds from the vet and have started giving her a couple teaspoons of yoghurt to help her digestive tract. I also decided to feed her innova, from all the suggestions on this board, but have noticed she started having more "eye boogers". I will leave her on this food for awhile and see. Anyway, congratulations on picking a great dog!! Let us know how she is doing!

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