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Wet versus dry food...which is best for the cat?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by catboyz77, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. catboyz77

    catboyz77 New Member

    Hello, I've just adopted a black male, 1yrs old cat and am kinda new to owning a cat. I was wondering which food type, dry and wet, is best for cats in general and how I should balance them out? I've did a little bit of reserch and is still confuse since everyone has a different opinion and I don't know which to side on. Several people would tell me that wet food has more fat and is bad for their teeth, as oppose to dry food which is more heathly in the long run. It was totally the opposite story from what I read off the internet from a certain cat website and that wet food(lower carbohydrate) are better. So, which is truly better?

    For my cat, I would feed him 1 can a day and I would leave out a bowl of dry food that would be refill if empty. Is this a good balance, as far keeping them healthy and not get obese? If it helps any, my cat is about medium size, weigh about 10lbs and he also doesn't like dry food much and eats them on occasion.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    this was recently discussed on the forum of the rescue group I foster for...I'll share the email/research one of the fosters did
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi and welcome to Auspet. I also spent a lot of time researching about what was best for my cat at the time. Wet food? Soft food? Both? After a whole lot of reading I found that feeding both quality soft and hard food were the best. By quality food I mean that the first ingredients on the list are some type of meat and not meat by products, or fillers like corn. Wellness makes good hard and soft foods, but there are also other quality foods out there.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    I like to feed mine both wet and dry foods. I noticed that when I put out less dry food, they tend to eat more of it. If I overfill it, they justt graze on it. I think they just prefer the fresher stuff.
  5. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    My cat perfers dry/crunchy foods. The only soft food she will eat is tuna. I only give her tuna once a week as a treat due to mercury content, it's bad for them.

    The rule of thumb I go by on her dry food is to check the ingrediants. Meat has to be the first listed ingrediant. Not filler.

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