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what a day and night I had!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    posted took Wylie to the ER yesterday because of her tummy, well they put her on an antibiotic called mitrizole (sp) I wnt home at lunch 3 hours later and she seemed fine. she pood a little.

    Then on my way home form work last night I stopped at the store so As I am leaving I am at the major interstion and here come 2 dogs a german short hair and a german shephard and I am thinking they are goners and going to get hit because this is a 40 mph zone, cars are screeching to avoid them. Its dark I am in the left turn lane, I dont see any cars coming and high tail right to where I saw the dogs go. they were int firee house yard luckily fenced on 2 sides, I get the shorth air in, but the german shephard has run been in the street in interstaction, several cars have pulled over trying to catch it. a guy comes up to and said there 3 dogs :( I saw only 2, the dogs had tags, so the one I have I look and its only the licens tag which means you can only get a hold of them during the day WHY DONT PEOPLE KEEP THEIR # ON THEIR PETS GRRRHHHH. He went acrossthe street and came back and said someone caught the GSD. So I went over the and thank goodness it was my neighbor who had the dog. they are animal crazy and said they couldnt take the dogs in their car because they had both of theirs with them. They asked me to bring the dogs to their house and they would put them in their horse stalls until they could get a hold of the owners today, so lets keep our fingers crossed and pray someone found the other dog before it got hurt.

    I get home and Wylie is playing fetch nin the house with my husband, I notic her eyes look weird but cant figure wha tit is. like they are half closed and she loos sleepy or drugged. he also said she had been scratching sinc ehe got home. I am thinking an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. about half an hour later I notice welts all over her, shes got hives! Icall the ER they say to give benedryal, they think it may be a bite and not the drugs but I didnt do it, I wa safraid.

    well she was miserable scratching and chewing like crazy wanting outside, so here i am at ll: pm at the ER again, they give her a cortizone shot, and berrium for her tummy, did say her tummy still felt firm but no pain. I worry because the vet is an intern, poor thing is there 24/7 for 3 days

    I get home Wylie slept soundly all night thank god but I didnt becasue I was so worried. wew!!

  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I hope things get better :wink:
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Whao!!!! Man..... you did have a rough night. Glad things are looking up though...Poor Wylie!
    Did the owners of the dogs turn up?
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    How is Wylie doing now? Poor baby!
  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    oh you poor dear what a day/night hope everything is better now how is your baby.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Well I am still worried about Wylie, I need to go on a mission tonight to see if I can find poo. I The vet said she still felt something but didint think it was an obsrtuction like swallowing something because she would be tender in that area and they did an xray, not the extensive one but didnt show anything she still had a lot of poo in her sytem last night when I took her again, the vet yesterday morning she thought wylie would go any minute. I am wondering if why she keeps wanting to go to but nothing is happening. She said it she was constipated she should have gas and not the gurgling sound. so iwill see tonight when I get home.

    as the the dogs, I taled to my neighbor and she found the owners and the other dog was found safe too.

  7. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry honeybears. I hope everything turns out okay with Wylie.

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