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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by cunners, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. cunners

    cunners New Member

    The below is something that will disturb us animal lovers... an article I found today...

    If I ever saw anyone do this I would kill the F***ers... sorry about the language but torturing and killing animals (let alone innocent kittens for christs sake) is to my mind one of the sickest things humans are capable of..


    THE RSPCA was today outraged at an appeal court's decision to uphold the sentences given to six soldiers who tortured a litter of kittens.

    RSPCA Queensland spokesman Michael Beatty said the society was disappointed with the court's decision and believed the soldiers should have received tougher penalties.

    Townsville District Court judge Bob Pack dismissed an appeal by the Queensland Police Service to increase the soldiers' fines from $2000 to $7000 and for convictions to be recorded.

    The soldiers had pleaded guilty last May in the Townsville Magistrates Court to torturing and killing the four kittens at Lavarack Barracks in Townsville during an Easter Sunday drinking session.

    The first kitten was dragged on a rope behind a motorcycle, then crushed under the tyre of a 4WD vehicle and the other three were doused with fuel and set alight.

    Mr Beatty said Queensland law provided the toughest penalties for animal cruelty with fines of up $75,000, but the courts consistently refused to impose them.

    "Here we have six soldiers who over a 45-minute period tortured and then burnt a litter of kittens and they walk away with a $2000 fine which they can put on their bank card and pay off in a month," Mr Beatty told AAP.

    Mr Beatty said courts should record convictions against any person found guilty of animal cruelty to allow police to track any future incidences.

    There are some sickos out there!!!
  2. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    That makes me sick to my stomach.
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Personally, I think the courts should take the men, tie them up to vehicles drag them for miles and then return the men to be doused with gasoline and lit on fire.

    People don't understand the henious things they do to others (especially animals). At least if you tortured them like they did to the cats (or whatever) maybe they'd get an idea of how awful they are. :x
  4. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    I can't even imagine what goes on in the head of someone who could do that to animals.

    Here is a story posted on MSNBC.....at least this baby pup got back....

    PENSACOLA, Fla. - A man who tried to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs put its paw on the revolver’s trigger.

    Jerry Allen Bradford, 37, was charged with felony animal cruelty, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said Wednesday. He was being treated at a hospital for a gunshot wound to his wrist.

    Bradford said he decided to shoot the 3-month-old shepherd-mix dogs in the head because he couldn’t find them a home, according to the sheriff’s office.

    On Monday, Bradford was holding two puppies — one in his arms and another in his left hand — when the dog in his hand wiggled and put its paw on the trigger of the .38-caliber revolver. The gun then discharged, the sheriff’s report said.

    Deputies found three of the puppies in a shallow grave outside Bradford’s home, said sheriff’s Sgt. Ted Roy.

    The other four appeared to be in good health and were taken by Escambia County Animal Control, which planned to make them available for adoption.
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

  6. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Thats really horrible, honestly their are a few choice words I could use right about now to desciribe thoes so called "soldiers" but their honestly not worth the keystorks. :x
  7. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    *growls and picks jaw up off the desk* taht was dispicable. but u wanna know WHY they got off with only 2000??? gawd d*amned army.

    'looking after it's own.' *snorts*
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    I agree with you lucidity...I think the best punishment for these so called "soldiers" would be to allow them to feel the same pain that these poor little kittens felt.
    As for the puppy killer....good for him. Hope he learned a lesson.
  9. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Well their punishment is a bit steeper but im not satisified, their Military career is over. Though they can stay they'll never be promoted under some weird militia laws for things like this.
  10. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    do people just not understand the concept of an animal shelter..they are built just for this reason...

    i just saw on animal cops...a woman who dropped her husbands dog on the street bc it went to teh bathroom on thier porch...i mean is is really too hard to go to a shelter?????
  11. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    If the person sees their pet so worthless that they would dump it on the street cozza something like that i hardly think they would care enough to take it to a shelter. :(
  12. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    ignore this post here. i accidently pressed code and it popped onto the end of it when i pressed submit! real post below!
  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    mr beatty [queensland premier for any that dont know] needs to get his head out of the sand. as far as i know, those crazy queenslanders have the weakest penalties out there. then again, im sure hed say anything to take the attention off their bungling animal welfare workers who enjoy taking away and torturing innocent pit bull puppies, or anything that looks like one. :roll:
  14. adrian1181

    adrian1181 New Member

    If this had been a group of teenagers, the courst not only would have fined them, but they would have all been sent to shrinks. It's a proven fact that people who abuse animals usually don't stop there... they go on to abuse their SO and their kids.

    How do the courts plan to stop people from doing sick things like this if the fine is so small.
  15. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    Thats horrible but not surprising. Once people put less of a value on any life they can generally dismiss all life as worthless. I cant imagine being that dimented and ever harming a living being like that!


    I agree that thier punishment should have been to be treated in the same manner as the kittens!
  16. Steph'n'Del

    Steph'n'Del New Member

    It's absolutely horrible and disgraceful, I agree. I read another case today about 3 people who starved a large number of horses (including foals and pregnant mares) and cattle. Many died of starvation, many more needed to be put down. And all these people got were suspended sentences. That's not even real jail time. It's nothing more than a slap on the wrist, and look at the noble lives who had to pay the ultimate price. :( It's all SO wrong. You can view the story here:
    http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common ... 62,00.html

    I'm a huge supporter of animal welfare (I personally fundraise for horse welfare, but I love all animals) and it makes me so sick to see the horrendous cruelty that some 'people' do. I swear, humans are the cruelest species in existence. I'm really ashamed. I think some major law reform is needed to create more realistic penalties for animal cruelty offences. That's one of the reasons I am studying law. This has upset me enough to want to do something about it.

  17. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    :x :x :x I would do even worse them to those people.I feel like I want to take them put them in the chamber thing the Natzis put the Jewish in,declaw them,rip their hair off,rip there finger off and then stuff them into an oven and give them a slow and painful death at 150 degreese farenheight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How could they possibly do such abuse to little kittens!!!!!!!!!!!I mean what did the kittens ever do to them?!?!?!GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x
  18. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Excuss me while i go puke. that is incedible. that is terrible. that is awful. that makes me SOOOOOOOO mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe someone would do that! Let alone SOLDIERS!!!!!!!!!! OMG. someone has to pay for this and i mean really pay. any chance those fines can be upped with possibly jail time or something!?!?!?!

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