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What does an adult shih tzu / bichon mix look like?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by janineande, May 16, 2006.

  1. janineande

    janineande New Member

    I am interested in a puppy, which is soo cute but I'd like to see an adult first. Anyone have any pics? How do they do with kids and other pets?
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    With a mixed breed it's hard to tell exactly what an adult will look like as it may favour the Bichon side, Shih Tzu side, or it may be a mix of both. I have a friend that has one and he looks exactly like a Bichon with Shih Tzu markings while another friend has one that favours the Shih Tzu side a lot more.

    From my own experiences with both breeds I've found them both to be pretty good dogs with kids, although it is important to teach kids how to properly behave around the dog. I'm actually getting ready to add a Bichon to my family in June.

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