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what does everyone think?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    k i was just wondering what everyone thinks of petco? i mean i know alot of ppl dont like petco, and i understand their reasons- but in fort myers they just opened a new petco 3 weeks ago.. anyways i just started working there this past thursday and so far i havent seen anyone abuse the animals- and boy if i did i wouldnt be working there 4 sure...i was just wondering what everyone thought of the place... i like it personally, i mean prices r reasonable and so far the animals r being treated wonderfull. i work mornings so when i get in the first thing we do is change the cages etc.. and my favorite part, playing w/ all the animals :eek: (except snakes i dont do snakes :oops: ) and today the vet came in at 4 pm to check all the animals and answer any questions any one of us wanted answeres to.. i guess the vet comes in every friday...i know there may be some petco stores out there that migt not take well care of the animals but after reading all the stories about petco etc.. i wanted to get a job there to see what goes on at our store in my area. but i was just wondering and rambling so dont mind me... :oops: oh and has anyone tried the remote control mouse toy? i seen one today and picked it up and my cats go nutts chasing that thing everywhere and my son has a ball working the remote. ill have to post some pix when i get a chance...thanks for listening and i hope no hard feelings towards me for bringing up that subject cause i know some ppl feel very strongly aginst petco.
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    I wouldn't boycott Petco just because it had some past problems in some stores. Stores are as good as the mangers or workers that work there. Petsmart is highly rated and I've seen some workers that blantantly neglict their duties. I'm glad you are enjoying your work and liking the place! :eek:

    What remote mouse toy? Pics, pics, pics! :mrgreen:
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Personally, I don't really care for Petco...the prices of some things there are ridiculous. Having said that, I do buy my cat food there and the live animals seem to be well cared for at this particular Petco as far as I can tell. Maybe it just depends on which Petco you go to. :0011:
  4. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    nern: i do have to agree w/ u on that one.. the pet food prices i think r good. now some things like toys can go a lil far when it comes to price. but fish, birds, reptiles, and small furry babies r pretty good price...

    vene: its a mouse that runs by a remote control- its to cute... i paid $10 for it. and this one is little.. wal-mart has them ive seen them but they r alot bigger then the one i have.. as soon as i can get to take a pix of my babies playing w/ it outside on the pourch ill post them. since i have a really cheap camera that wont work inside (no flash)
  5. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    See here's the thing the abuse does not usually take place in the store the problem is, there supplier of small animals usually the Napd or some other whole sale is where the abuse takes place. Those warehouses are horrible places, (see my post in the general forun "Please read now" it's called) That makes the stores guilty by default. The management knows where the animals are coming from and knows of the problems but they continue to use these "wholesale" suppliers. Most likely because it is cheeper and more convienievt than attempting to get all there animals from private breeders. Anyway when you think about it there is no reason for pet stores of any kind to be in opperation, there are rescues breeders and supply stores. Pet stores opperate for on reason MONEY! They are the least concerned with the animal welfare. So my answer is NO i do not like PETCO and do not support anyone working there or purchasing supply's from there. I hope i have opened your eyes and i hope that i have not offended anyone but i feel VERY strongly on the matter. I f i were you I would try to get a job at a shelter a rescue a supply store basically anywhere but PETCO and the like. well antway thanks for hearing me out!
  6. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    See here's the thing the abuse does not usually take place in the store the problem is, there supplier of small animals usually the Napd or some other whole sale is where the abuse takes place. Those warehouses are horrible places, (see my post in the general forun "Please read now" it's called) That makes the stores guilty by default. The management knows where the animals are coming from and knows of the problems but they continue to use these "wholesale" suppliers. Most likely because it is cheeper and more convienievt than attempting to get all there animals from private breeders. Anyway when you think about it there is no reason for pet stores of any kind to be in opperation, there are rescues breeders and supply stores. Pet stores opperate for on reason MONEY! They are the least concerned with the animal welfare. So my answer is NO i do not like PETCO and do not support anyone working there or purchasing supply's from there. I hope i have opened your eyes and i hope that i have not offended anyone but i feel VERY strongly on the matter. I f i were you I would try to get a job at a shelter a rescue a supply store basically anywhere but PETCO and the like. well antway thanks for hearing me out!
  7. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    I thought Petco only took animals on an adoption basis, like strays and surrendered animals? That's the impression I got from the ads. We don't have petco here in Nova Scotia, only Pets Unlimited.
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    from what I've understood the animal abuse that took place at PetCos was primarily located on the west coast of the US. Doesn't make it right by any means...but I don't think it was a practice that is standard procedure for PetCo and they dealt with it (didn't ignore it).

    I would love to have any kind of chain petstore in my area for choices. We have one that is a 45-minute ride one way and I go there whenever I go to that city (which isn't very often). The only pet store I have that's a quick trip is a privately owned one and it sucks. They sell only Wellness pet food - one type and it's $14.00 for a 4 lb. bag of cat food!!! And again they only carry one formula. Their prices are totally ridiculous. Food food, anything...they are the only ones around and people go there - I won't.

    It would be nice to have a choice.
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Mary, move to Buffalo, NY we have tons of pet stores- holistic, chains, etc.! And Nern is here! :p
  10. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    ok first off my post came up twice i have no clur why it did that! anyway the thing is all petco's and chain pet stores get there animals whole sale from wharehouses. They are bever humane places! Also i lived in buffalo once only for a little while. It's nice tho we should all move there and have ourr owm animal lovers colony!! :eek:
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    Good point Sugar...I guess its really just about as bad as the pet stores that sell puppies that come from puppy mills. :(
    Pet Supplies Plus is my favorite chain store. They sell fish but not other live animals and they have cats there from cat rescue groups and their prices are nicer than Petco or PetSmart.
  12. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i really wish i could give my oppinion about this... but we dont have one up here :(
  13. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well i know that there r a few pet stores here that deal w/ animals from breeders only...and as far as the workers that work at petco - well im one and i know i love animals deeply and would never harm an animal in any way.. and all of the ppl that work w/ me seem to be the same way. the ppl that take care of the animals (cleaning cages feeding etc) take very good care of them and take time to actually play w/ the animals which i can say some pet stores DO NOT do that.. and as far as getting a job at a shelter etc.. when they are not hiring they r not hiring...and i dont know how it is at any other petco stores but at our store they do not sell cats or dogs. they have the the shelters come in and show the cats and dogs up for adoption and also allow whatever else they r adopting out to come in the store like ferrets, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds etc.. so im not toattly defending petco and there may have been some other store that has had to deal w/ some issues but the one here seems to be great. so its not every petco store.

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