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what is clicker training?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by ilovemycockatiels, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    I know clicker training has something to do with the dog understanting what the click means but how does it work, is it any different than vocal training?

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Clicker training is a positive form of training where you reinforce the good but ignore what you don't want. You can use a tongue click or a word instead of an actual clicker, but they say the clicker is better because it is a totally consistent sound. You first have to "charge the clicker" by clicking and then immediately treating the dog a bunch of times, so the dog learns to associate the sound with the treat. Then you can start using the click to mark desired behavior. The idea is that the click happens EXACTLY when the dog does something you want. The treat can follow more slowly.

    When you have a clicker-savvy dog, the dog will see the clicker come out and start offering behaviors to see if he can get you to click. Clicker training teaches the dog to THINK and learn to solve problems. He has to be creative and proactive in offering behaviors and figuring out what he did to make you click. It's great fun!

    Training where you pop the collar or use other such aversives teaches the dog to be passive. He learns to sit there and do nothing until you lure him (or force him) into doing what you want, and then he does it in order to not have something bad happen. With the clicker, he figures out for himself what he has to do in order to earn GOOD things.

    After a dog is offering the behavior you want consistently, you can put the behavior on command. After that, you phase out the clicker.

    A good website with a forum and many articles you can read is http://clickersolutions.com/.
  3. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    I've used a clicker on my dog that I had just gotten not too long ago. She is still a pup but the shelter told me she is 2 years but they also said they don't really know. She seemed to have respond to the clicker much better than anything else followed by a treat. So yes it does really work. It's cute to see dogs ears pop up in interest when they hear the clicker. Thats a sign that they know they did good and they like the sound. I was teaching her to sit. Within two days when I walk and stop she just sits right in front of me wanting me to tell her something or whatever. I would highly recommend a clicker to any one wanting to train their dogs or puppies.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The book "Click for Joy" is a good introduction to clicker training.

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