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when to neuter

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by casper, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. casper

    casper New Member

    hey guys
    i'm wondering when should i neuter my two new pups? i kinda want to neuter them asap because i love all their puppy energy. they're date of birth is june 4th. i'd like to neuter them in october. so they'll be 5 months. is that ok??

    the thing is, with my other dog, i waited till 6 months-6 1/2 months and developed some traits that i'd rather not see my new pups have (i.e. lifting his leg when he pees and some dominance issues).

    could i even do 4 months?

  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    This has been a debate/thread over and over on the board.... and the answer certainly ranges. The bottom line is you should do what your vet recommends.

    My vet recommended six months.... and we had no problems whatsoever. He also had started some of those not-so-fun-to-mom habits that we all hate.... but that stopped fairly quickly. A lady at work neutered and spayed her two little shihtzus at four months.... and she had lots of problems with them, especially the girl. My (NON-PROFESSIONAL) opinion was that it was just too young.

    I'm sure that mybabyshihpoo will have some great advice on this
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Apparently I have been summoned...however, Monster did an excellent job of explaining, and I do agree with her!

    If you ask my personal opinion, I'll tell you to wait until your pup is at least 6 months old to neuter. It is my opinion (which would be shared by many vets) that at 6 mo. old dog is physically mature enough and ready for the surgery. By that time, most negative behavior related issues (aggression, marking, etc.) have not yet occurred, which I have seen to be true in most dogs. The recovery rate of a neutered/spayed dog is still very quick and easy!

    There has been growing popularity over the last couple of years to neuter dogs (and cats) just weeks old. Quite frankly, this isn't something I would subject MY dog to if I had a choice. I feel as though a dog at that age is so physically immature that there are potential risks from the stress of the surgery on such a young dog, and speculated future affects as well. These very young pups that we are speaking of, if being properly treated, are receiving their multiple 'beginner' shots, leading to an already weaken immune system. Then to add the stress of surgery, especially anesthesia, on top of all that, is in my view, a little too risky!

    Yes, countless surgeries have been performed on such young puppies, and they came out just fine, but the long term health issues is what concerns me most, not to mention the problems (mentioned by vets that I am familiar with) that the young pups experience soon after, or during, the surgery. (I should mention that all of the vets that I know refuse to neuter any earlier than 6 months, so that may play a role in their view of early neuter.)

    The early neuter/spay in cats and dogs, has been particularly poplular amongst shelters across America. I do understand their reasoning behind wanting to do it, for it is a very good reason. And b/c of their circumstances, I guess I don't mind them doing so, as long as proper precautions are taken. Nonetheless, like I said before, I wouldn't spay/neuter my pets before 6 months. Just my opinion!

    To sum it up in one statement, I would wait until your dog is sexually mature, right around 6 mos, then neuter!

    Do be sure to discuss this with your vet and get his/her opinion(s) on the issue, and his/her recommendation regarding what would be best for your pup!

    Best wishes, and thank you for not only doing your dog a favor, but also the pet population a favor as well by neutering! :D
  4. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    I've been wondering this as well....
    I'm so concerned because my chi is barely 2 lbs but he has been humping (egh how embarassing!! :oops: ) his stuffed animals occasionally since about 4 months. I was somewhat terrified to see it because I've always considered him my little baby and I had no idea he would even be doing that so young. Maybe I'm just naive because all my other dogs were girls :? Either way it's certainly not desirable behavior for my little pup, I really want him neutered ASAP but I'm so concerned with his size and the effects of the anesthesia on him :( Is there anyway to make him stop this until he's old enough?
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    The humping is completely normal and quite natural! My dogs really started up that behavior about a month or two before their surgery, and after the surgery, the problem practically ceased (even to this day)! Such is the case more times than not! :y_the_best:

    As far as your concerns toward your dog being so small and the surgery - If a physical examination including blood work is done to assess your dog's condition and certain levels (found through blood work), then your vet should be able to cater every aspect of the surgery, namely the anesthesia, so your dog is properly cared for during and after the surgery!

    Given that your vet is a licensed professional who is concerned about your pup's safety, and as long as your pup is deemed healthy, and blood was drawn before the surgery to analyze what anesthesia and how much to give is appropriate for your dog, you're well on your way to a safely neutered pup!

  6. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Our girls are being spayed on September 8th.. just 2 1/2 weeks before they are 6 months old. It really depends on your dog and when your vet thinks the best time is.
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Well, that's the same with Bailey.... He was errrr..... "humping" his stuffed animals really early also! I thought it was freakish behavior at first... since he was so young! I think he started at 3 months... we were FLOORED the first time it happened. Anyhow, the vet said it was perfectly normal so young (((Phew)))... and yup... after he was neutered, it progressively stopped.

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