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Where'd it go ,George.Where'd it go ? or otherwise known as

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ilovemaltipoos, May 23, 2004.

  1. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member


    For Puttin ....... :eek:

    We have a 4 wheeler and a three wheeler ,of course I am a daring fool if there ever was one ,putting that aside for the moment though .
    My son and I decided to go to Grant and make sure we had enough gas for the trips in the woods on the wheelers and lawn mowers etc,so I jumped on the 4 and him on the 3 and we took off .Now as we were heading aroung the curve ,we met my sister with my necie ,I told Brandy to jump on and of course ....she did .. 8)
    We raced all the way to Grant ,laughing ,joking and having a good time .got our gas and headed back home .Cheif of police ,Verlon waved us down and we stpped andhad a chat with him ,him laughing at me cause I was trying to race him in his car on the 4 ...LOL ! I would have won ! Not because his car was slow but the person driving it ... :mrgreen:
    On the way home we were sorta racing again That side of the road has a lillte more pot holes ,so I was sorta weaving about them to keep from hitting them .About half way home there is a hill you have to go up so I sped up as fast as the 4 would go and topped the hill ,I guess 45 miles an hour or so when I must have gotten into a little loose gravel and the gas stuck (I think ) either that or I was too silly to let the gas go ..? ?
    Anyway the thing took on a life of its on and started sideways into a farm area that has chicken houses .. :oops:
    Now I finally got it straightened up ,facing ......the chicken house ,still speeding at 45 or more ? miles an hour and screaming to the top of my lungs "JUMP BRANDY JUMP ' Well .........she didn't and we hit head on into the chicken house ,I was thrown face first into the wall with her on my back ...but the 4 wheeler stopped and that was a good thing .
    Anyway when I managed to stand up I was laughing ,couldn't stop laughing .The handles to the wheeler was twisted side ways and I had one lens in my glasses (best pair I owned ) and there was an exact face print of me in the chicken house wall ,I was looking into a mirror ! .For real !
    now ,my son and nice thought I was in shock ,maybe I was but I couldn't stop laughing .i told Brandy to get on with Adam and here I took off on the 4 with the handle bars crooked ,one lens glasses and one eye shut where I could see and made my way home ,laughing all the way .
    You know ...I must have been the reason the whole front end of the 4 was askew cause between my legs was scraped all the way down ,blood running ,but I was still laughing when my husband came home that night and all Brandy and Adam could do was follow me around and ask 'Are you okay " :roll:
    Now ,my neighbors never made me fix the chicken house ,I think because they want me to drive by htere often and see myself or maybe some day they will put up a sign " Shirley was here and we can prove it "
    But there it is ...fully formed ,MY FACE IN THE ChICKEN HOUSE ...
    :eek: :D :lol: :y_the_best: :mrgreen: :D :eek: :shock:

    I left my heart in san francisco .....
    I left my face in the chicken house ...I sang that all the way home ,wanna hear the fast rendition ?
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OMG, that's tooooooooooooooooo darn funny, Malti!!!!! LOL...... hehe... and so i gotta ask.....when was this?
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Oh my, that was hysterical!!!!!!! LMAO! :mrgreen:

    I wonder the same thing (and after how many Bloody Mary's...lol)?!?! :lol:
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    A few years ago before I hurt my back .And I have you to know the bloodly darn marys didn't come until I woke up the next day .I stopped laughing then !!!! :lol: :wink:
    Oh and I walked like a duck for about 3 weeks ....quack ....quack ...
    wanna here more of this type stuff ,I just cracked the surface here ! :eek:
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Moral of the story: NEVER ride a 4 wheeler with Malti, you never know where you might end up! :D
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Good to know, Mybabyshi! LOL
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Take a picture Shirely. You've got too. Hey, you did not loose any teeth did you? Can you tell I'm still thinking of you poor husband. God that was funny. Reminds me of when I walked into my friends back door after totalling her bite. I was all bloody too, but smiling.

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