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Which Dog For Someone Who Has Allergies?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Kassandra, Aug 26, 2004.


Which dog for someone who has allergies?

  1. Bichon Frise

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yorkshire Terrier

    0 vote(s)
  3. Cockapoo

    0 vote(s)
  4. Shih Poo

    0 vote(s)
  5. Chinese Crested

    0 vote(s)
  6. Lhasa Apso

    0 vote(s)
  1. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    Please help me. I'm not sure which one to get? All would suit me! :eek:

    Kassandra :y_the_best:

  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Well, I did cast my vote and I of course chose Shih-poo, having 2 myself and believing they are the BEST in the world!

    Now, having said that and cast my vote, ultimately only you can decide which of these you think is best for you & your family. While these dogs in your poll may be good for allergy sufferers (I believe you said your mom has allergies?), they are all very different. Each of them has their own temperament etc., so it's all what you prefer :y_the_best:

    Good luck!
  3. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    Thank-you very much for your vote! Shih Poo's are very cute.

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Well, Kassandra, you can probably guess what which I voted for...shih-poos of course!!!! :y_the_best: Like PooGirl said, they're the best!!! :wink:

    I posted this web site on another thread a little while back, but it does an excellent job of pointing out the pros and cons of each breed. They don't point out the pros and cons of mixed breeds (such as cockapoo, shih-poo, etc.), but you should take a look at the two breeds involved in the mix you are considering since your pup's personality will be combination of the breeds he is. However, say you get a shihpoo, his/her temperament may lean a little more toward a shih-tzus, or vice versa, so that is another good reason to be sure you are comfortable with the temperament of BOTH breeds that your future pup will be mixed with - that is if you get a mix!

    Anyhow here are the links for the breeds you listed:

    Bichon Frise:
    http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/review ... frise.html

    Yorkshire Terrier:
    http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/review ... riers.html

    Cocker Spaniel: http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/review ... niels.html

    Toy Poodle: http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/review ... odles.html
    Miniature Poodle: http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/review ... odles.html

    Shih-Tzu: http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/reviews/shihtzu.html
    Toy & Min. Poodle: same links as before

    Chinese Crested:
    http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/review ... steds.html

    Lhasa Apso:
    http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/review ... apsos.html

    The dogbreedinfo.com (given by PooGirl on your other thread) site is also another great source of info regarding breeds!

    The AKC site also offers great breed descriptions: http://www.akc.org/breeds/recbreeds/breeds_a.cfm

    Hope that helps! :D
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Should have mentioned this before, whatever you do, DO NOT BUY FROM A PET STORE!!!!!!!!!!! [-(

    Find an experienced, reputable, responsible, and ethical breeder!!! :y_the_best:

    Best wishes! :D
  6. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    Well, I wasn't sure what to pick, because I have a Shih Tzu/Bichon mix puppy.
    Her hair is really soft, I brush her everyday preparing her for her first groomer, and hardly any hair comes out when brushed.
    I did trim the hair around her eyes today when she ws sleepy, as it kept getting in her eyes and making them water.
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I say any of the poo mixes. If you want a smaller dog shipoo, a little bigger cocker poo. Or my favorite a pure poodle. But they are all cute.
  8. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member


    Im just gonna go take a look at the vote results, I bet the shi-poo's are the highest but anyways :p

    Make sure you get to my other poll coming soon~!

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I, of course, voted for the shihpoo also... only because I (as mentioned lots and lots!) suffer from dog allergies really badly... and I don't have any issues AT ALL with Bailey, my shihpoo.
  10. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    Ya I voted 4 shihpoo too and my mom has bad allergies and she is fine also shihpoos dont shed much at all and they r SO CUTE :eek:
  11. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    Can u guys just show me pics of ur dogs?
  12. teena89

    teena89 New Member

  13. casper

    casper New Member

    i voted for shih-poos

    hey, i voted for shih-poos too.

    i just wanted to input my allergy advice/experience cuz i'm pretty sensitive to pets

    I've had close/constant interaction with three dog breeds
    pure bred shih tzus
    shih poos (2 of them)
    lab/chow/husky cross

    Do i really need to say that i react worse with the lab/chow/husky cross? I get it all. runny nose, itchy skin, puffiness, coughing, and if i'm not too careful - an asthma attack (but my puffer is always near by). so how do i live with my big-allergy machine? an air filter (always on) and, on probably an every other day basis, reactine (allergy medicine). works fine and i can cope very well. the down side tho, is that i can't be licked by him cuz i get extremely itchy. i'm not sure how bad ur allergies are. but i just wanted to let you know that you can survive well with probably any of those breeds that you have listed.

    with regards to the other two breeds they're very similar. i can actually be licked by shih tzus and shih-poos and have no reaction for some reason. but i find i still need the air filter - then i don't need reactine as much. there are still times - after longer periods of playing wiht them - that i get the allergy symptoms and need medicine. this is only after an hr of playing with them constantly.

    another tip - make sure you have a room where the puppy won't be allowed in - trust me, it's ur haven during a bad allergy attack.

    anyways, just thought i'd share my experience.

    goood luck
  14. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    That's absolutely great advice about needing a room that is dog-forbidden for those homes with allergy sufferers! I never thought of that.... then again, it sounds as if you are even worse than me.... bless your heart.

    Speaking of allergies.... a friend of mine just got a new boxer puppy who is just too cute. Well, of course, ignoring my allergies I just HAD to at least say hello (with hugs and pets, of course). I figured I could do it for just a minute (since it was outside) and then go wash my hands and pop an allergy pill.... well, this puppy was so rambunctious :eek: (HENCE the word "PUPPY!") and he jumped up, kissed me and pretty much molested me for some rubs and pets... (hehe)... you get the picture :) well, he scratched my neck and chest area (not on purpose, of course) when he jumped up. About 10 minutes later I had the most hellacious whelts... eeeek..... :m20: :( It was amazingggg! :( They were burning and itching sooooo bad. Anyhow, I suffered through it because i was at work and didn't have anything besides my allergy pills with me ... but dang. :x ... it was not a happy time for me. Anyhow, the point was that it was just 30 seconds with that dog! :( wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ He was tooo cute too! :m10:
  15. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OOPS! I forgot the question about the pictures of our shihpoos....

    You can click on the "WWW" under our signatures. Most of us have pictures of our babies on the www.dogster.com site! Be careful tho... cuz you'll fall madly in love ;) hehe
  16. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Good idea about the "no puppy room!" However, do realize that the dander from your pup will be circulated throughout your home via your heating and AC (vents), so you can't COMPLETELY escape from the dander (dander being the big problem for allergy sufferers)!

  17. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hey there!

    Aside from my avator that shows my two pumpkins, there are more pics under my signature line... the "www" tab.. :mrgreen:

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