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Worried about my cat

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by purtytiger, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. purtytiger

    purtytiger New Member

    My cat sabrina is 16 yrs old, she was diagnosed with kidney failure 5 yrs ago, and I had to give her fluids with a needle everyday, for 3 months, she finally got better . until jus a couple weeks ago. She started to drink alot of water and go to her box alot, same symptoms as the kidney failure. but this time the vet said she has diabetes. Ok, I told him he diagnosed her 5 yrs ago with kidney failure, and he said their is no way,if she had kidney failure 5 yrs ago, she would be alive today. He said her sugar was 600, which is really high, so he told me to give her insulin twice a day. I started doing that, and she seemed to be gettin better, eating more and acting more lively. He had me come in the following week for a glucose curve, she was their all day, and when I picked her up they said she didnt eat all day. I fed her that afternoon, and gave her insulin. At 1 am in the morning, I noticed she wasnt on the bed, so I got up to look for her, she was laying on the floor, she tried to get up to walk, but couldnt, she kept fallin over. I freaked out, and rushed her to emergency vet, they said her sugar was 30. She almost died.She also has a urinary tract infection, so they put her on antibiotics. a few days later she was doing great, for about 3 days. now she wont eat, does anyone know what is going on, I dont trust the vets anymore, please any advice would be so appreciated.
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Welcome to Auspet. So sorry your kitty isn't doing well. That's a tough thing for both of you. :cry: I'm not a vet, but given her age and her bad health, it may just be her time. 16 is getting up there in age. Just listen to what your gut tells you. If you think she still has many more years ahead of her, then do your best, see another vet. However, if you feel in your heart that perhaps it may be her time and that she is indeed suffering and there is no chance she will get better, you may want to consider having her put to sleep. Often vets will come to your home to do this. It's very obvious you love her so much. I'm so sorry you are both going through this. I have been there myself. It's not easy. Hang in there.
  3. purtytiger

    purtytiger New Member

    Thank you for your response. Yes, I love my sabrina with all of my heart, and wouldnt ever want her to go through any suffering. She seems to be doing a bit better, shes eating and even playing some. Ive decided that if she starts getting bad again, I will have to put her down. Just thinkin about it, breaks my heart. She is such a sweet girl. All of this is making me sick also. I have to snap out of it for her though, cuz I know she feels my sadness. Thank you again for your support. Its very comforting to know Im not alone in all this. Christine
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Big hugs for you and Sabrina. I understand how you feel. My 13 year old Pumpkin was just diagnosed with inoperable cancer and I'm watching her waste away. The pain is very unbearable. I too have opted to put her to sleep when the time comes. Right now they need our extra tlc and happy thoughts. I'm with you.

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