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busy night last night

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, May 15, 2010.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    3 years ago I fostered a father/daughter pair of siamese cats. Their original owner was sent to Iraq and nobody would watch his cats while he was gone so they came into Siamese Rescue.
    Hugo (dad) was around 2 then and little Newt (daughter) was 6 months old. They were here long enough to get their little surgeries, heal up, get over their kitty colds and then were adopted.
    They had good lives for awhile and then their adopter lost her job last summer, called me in a panic she couldn't afford food for them and at that point I tried to talk her into returning the 2 cats. She had to be able to take care of herself...and if she couldn't do that she couldn't care for 2 cats. She refused and rescue sent her a good size gift card for food from PetSmart.
    This adopter was from Haiti...she called me the day of the earthquake crying that she had lost some family (she left a message on my phone) and she was looking for financial assistance to get to HAiti. I called her and said I couldn't give her money (I had just gotten laid off) but if she went I offered to take Newt and Hugo and watch them for her while she was gone. She never called me back and I left several messages and emailed her.
    Apparently, at some point this past spring, she went to Haiti and left the 2 cats behind to be cared for by a neighbor. Well golly gee you gotta pay your rent too and she didn't
    She got home yesterday and managed to get Hugo out before the landlord refused her entry back into the apartment. Newt was left behind.
    She called a rescue group nearby for help and they called Rescue (I'm not sure how this all happened adopter is hard to understand). Anyway I was asked to call them and found out they were going to try to get Newt out and I begged them to get Hugo and get the adopter to sign a surrender form and these 2 cats HAD to come back to rescue as adopter had signed a return agreement - and she had called them this winter to come get the cats but then changed her mind!!!
    So the rescue person went to help her get Newt but the landlord had already taken her to a shelter!!! But she did manage to get Hugo along with a surrender form and this dear person also found out where Newt was taken.
    The shelter (thankfully) is one we pull siamese cats from quite often and we have a good history with them.
    The rescue has Hugo in one of their foster homes, one of our volunteers is picking up Newt tomorrow morning and they will both be headed to one of our fosters in Massachusetts.
    I'm feeling pretty darn good!!!!

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