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A little companion for Kitty!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by wildflower_131, Oct 4, 2005.

  1. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I will soon be having a new addition to my family! :D

    I am off to the animal shelter on Saturday to see what kittens and cats they have there, and am going to adopt one.

    I am leaning towards getting a kitten since Kitty is 1 year old.

    I am also leaning towards a female kitten/cat.

    In your experience, which sex, male or female, would most likely get on with an older female cat? :?:
  2. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Congrats! I seem to recall reading that it's best to introduce a male to a female, and vice-versa. She may consider another female to be competition. Good luck, and be sure to post pictures of your new arrival!
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Oh a new kitty in the family. How exciting. Best of luck.

    I agree with lunaguy about a male with a female and visa versa. I have also heard that an adult cat will accept a kitten better than another adult cat.

    Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new kitty after you get it. :)
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    In my experience, it really just depends on the temperment of the individual cat.

    We had Lizzy, Emily, & Jupiter (all adult females) when we introduced Tennessee (female kitten). They all hated her.

    When we introduced Romeo (1 year old male), Emily & Jupiter hated him, but Tennessee and he bacame best buds from the start.

    We recently introduced Scout (female kitten) and she & Tennessee took to eachother immediately. Romeo & Emily hated her for the first 2 days, but after a couple more days, they're all getting along pretty well.

    And with my brother, he has 2 adult male cats. He introduced Jupiter. One of the males wants to be her best friend and the other hated her but is now terrified of her (not sure what she did to him :? ). She doesn't really like either of them, but she's slightly more tollerant of the one that wants to be her friend.

  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Pumpkin my older kitty never liked any new kitties introduced into the family be they boys or girls. Eventually, she tolerated them all. I agree with T_chelle. It really depends on the cat's temperament. Have fun adopting the newbie!
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    In general, its recommended to get a cat of the opposite sex. I agree with the others that it really depends on the individual cat. I have 5 males and 2 females that all get along great. Good luck!
  7. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    well no new companion for Kitty. The local RSPCA said they had heaps of kittens on their website, but when we got there on saturday there was only one kitten... :( Will keep ringing them though....
  8. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Don't be dissappointed, the right kitty will pick you when they know it's right.

    I went into our shelter with my eye on a kitten that I saw on their website (an adorable little orange long hair). When I got there (being a cat lover all my life), I wanted to hold and cuddle with all the cats and kittens they had there. When I picked up Booger, she immediately took to me, she was playing with the buttons on my shirt and licking my face and snuggling against me. It was beyond cute. I put Booger back in her cage and moved on to another cat and Booger was crying and pawing at her cage everytime I went near. So I picked her up again and I know I was toast. She had picked me rather than me picking a kitty LOL
  9. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    Oh, I'm not that sad. I was just expecting to see more kittens.
    I know that will probably happen. I didn't pick Kitty when she came into my life. my friend rescued her and asked if i wanted a kitten. All she told me was that she was black and white and fluffy and maybe a female. I had no idea what she looked like and I said i'd take her. She's the cutest little cat. She's still quite small for her age... but she has stolen my heart! She's my little girl! hehe :kiss_heart:

    And its her birthday today!! (well the estimated birthday!) Happy Birthday Kitty!! :0018:
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Happy B-day Kitty! :eek: :m10:
  11. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    This is looking to be Kitty's little companion... A friend of mine said her sister's boyfriend's sister-in-law's (Get that??) cat had kittens and is giving them away instead of selling them or taking them to the shelter. She is NOW getting the mother desexed. They were going to get mother cat desexed, but put it off! So here is the little one i have chosen. There were two black kittens, a black and white one, and two tabbies. The other tabby had more white on it's face. Not sure of the sex yet as they are only 5 weeks old!

  12. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    So cute!
  13. nern

    nern New Member

    How cute! Congrats! :D
  14. Bente

    Bente New Member

    awww, adorable! :D
  15. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    what a sweet little face
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Congrats! What a cutie pie. When do you pick up the little one?
  17. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    What an adorable little kitten. Best of luck with it. Let us know what you name him or her. :)
  18. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    I pick it up in two weeks! no names chosen yet! Will let you all know though!
  19. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    Too precious.......one of god's little angels.
  20. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    So cute!!! Good luck with your new addition, and be sure to post more pics when he/she arrives home.

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