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Bichon frise.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by chanel, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. chanel

    chanel New Member

    hi every one, as anyone one any advice about the bichon frise? about preventing tear, staining and keeping the coat white. thanks its my first time to the site i like it, its very helpfull.
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Hello Chanel and welcome to this great forum!!

    I don't know anything about Bichon Frise, but just wanted to welcome you. I did want to mention that there are a couple of tear-staining products that you could look into. I know that someone posted on the old board about tear staining.... perhaps they can repost. I don't have time at the moment, otherwise, I'd go back and look for ya!

    Welcome again
  3. Riley'sMom

    Riley'sMom New Member

    WELCOME =P~ I'm pretty new myself, you'll find it very helpful here.

    About the tear staining, I have a 9week old Maltese puppy, and he's starting to stain along his face too, it drives me crazy. I often use a warm bath clothe and wipe his face everyday it helps a little and it sooths his eyes and face. There are products out there specifically @ PetSmart I dont know the name but they come in q-tip form with the ointment to help remove the tear staining, also they have wipes specifically for that as well. There are also home remedies made up of milk of magnesia and other house hold products such as peroxide (the kind for hair). Also after you've applied whatever remedy you've chosen one suggestion was to use a mild talc powder and rub it along the pups face its suppose to help blend away the staining and help prevent it from being worse the next time. Look on line there are tons of websites out there purtaining to this subject, thats where I learned of most of them.
    Enjoy & GOODLUCK, I'm going to try some myself and I'll let you know what worked for me :wink:
    Here is a site that has helped me:http://www.bhejei.com/tearsta.htm

    AKA Riley's Momma
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I don't really have any advice for you, but I just wanted to extend a warm welcome to you!!!

    Have a great day! :D
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    :eek: Welcome to the board!
  6. chanel

    chanel New Member

    hi thanks for your replies, i haven't got my bichon yet im just reading about the breed and asking for advice, im a bit worried that the bichon breed is known for suffering from allergies surely they dont mean every bichons? i collect my pup in 3 weeks.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum!

    As far as allergies....no, this would not mean every bichon. The breed in general is prone to allergies but not every bichon will suffer from them. Best of luck with your new pup!
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Theydo tend to have skin issues. But if you can get her on a very good quality food, most of the time these problems go away. As with the eye staining I think its the same. Some tear staining can turn into an infection or yeast problem. Good kibble is the key I believe. Do you know if the parents of this pup suffer from any allergies. If they don't its a good chance daphne won't. It matters if the parent dogs are of excellent health. This way your pup may not have those issues mentioned above. Also when you get your pup, have your vet check him well. They tend to have heart murmurs and liver shunts. See what type of guarantee the breeder gives. Like do they guarantee the pup for the next 72 hours, up to a year, will always take the pup back. Find out what it is. What are they charging you if you don't mind me asking. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. A good breeder will take back a pup no matter what.
  9. chanel

    chanel New Member

    thanks everyone, well my pup will be insured free for 6 weeks, and will have its first half course of injections so would have been checked over by the vet, but i dout it would have a check for heart mumer or liver shunts. im paying £450 for her. when i get her i will make an appointment at my local vets and ask if he would do the heart check and liver check i bet that will cost a lot of money. anyway when i collect my pup i will ask him about the health of the parents, i know i should have did this befor but its my first puppy and it was only when i already decided and made arrangements for my pup that i heard about there hereditary problems. i dont know anyone thats got a bichon.
    thanks again.
  10. chanel

    chanel New Member

    hi just thought i would say i spoke with my local vet and he said to ask the breeder if my pups parents are in good sound health, and ask if the puppies have been checked for heart and liver problems if shes says yes she should have proof to show me. anyway my vet said tell her you are going to have ur puppy checked and if there is anything wrong i will be returning my puppy.
  11. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Great advice from your vet! :y_the_best:
  12. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Hi Chanel, this is absolutely true. Problem is many breeders say their dogs have all be health checked (usually by their local vet) this is good but not the same as a certification. What you want from a good breeder is Health Certifications like OFA, or CERF You can view the OFA database/registry for more info www.offa.org or CERF http://www.vet.purdue.edu/~yshen/cerf.html Reputable breeders health test - :!: - Do not buy a dog from a breeder who has not health certified their breeding stock!

    To see if the breeder has used OFA click on the ofa link and type in their Kennel name and the breed of dog and it will pull up all records. Not every breeder uses this registry but it is common for reputable breeders to use OFA. OFA registry will show testing for things such as Hips, Elbows, Thyroid, CERF, BAER, Patella, Cardiac...

    Also ask the breeder what health guarantees they offer. Will they take the dog back if there is a problem?

    Good luck, and it sounds like you have a great vet! :y_the_best:

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