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30 galllon stocking question

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by otmmy205, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. otmmy205

    otmmy205 New Member

    i have a 30 galon all i have is a ghost knife and 1 corrie catfish and 1 guppies what else could i put in something with color and personality
    i was thinking about a guppie tank or if i got rid of all my fish in there how many chiclids could i put in and what kind
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    For starters, I'd get rid of the ghost knife because it will get way too big for a 30 (almost 2 feet long).

    If you want to keep the cory, you should get about 3 or 4 more since they do best in groups. If you got the cories, that would leave you enough room for about 15 - 20 guppies. If you went that route, I would only start off with about 10 (2 - 3 females/male) because they will breed and fill up the tank on their own.

    As for cichlids, it depends on what kinds you want. You could fit either 2 cons or 2 firemouths in there (although it would be borderline overstocked). Or you could fit several shell dwellers (depending on the species), dwarf cichlids, or rams.

  3. otmmy205

    otmmy205 New Member

    thanks for the info but i just bought 2 green sunfishes
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If you get rid of all the other fish in the tank, then they should be okay. You might eventually have to get a bigger tank since everything I read lists their size as 3 - 8 inches. But they should be okay for a while.

  5. otmmy205

    otmmy205 New Member

    ya im goin to buy a much bigger aquarium like a 80+ gallon

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