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  4. Live Spirulina

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ingrown hairs on pb puppys eyes

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by rowdiebrindlepit, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. rowdiebrindlepit

    rowdiebrindlepit New Member

    My 8 week old puppy has a few ingrown hairs on his eye, a few have gone away on their own, my question is what can i do to fix it in the future if it happens again? can i pop them or put something on them to help heal; the eyes or do i just leave them alone and let nature run its course
  2. ktownchick30

    ktownchick30 New Member

    My pit is almost 2 now and he’s always had a problem with ingrown hairs, his are around his mouth and nose. The vet told me that there was no issue, and they may or may not continue to happen through out his life. I’m not sure if the fact that they are near the eye could be an issue.
  3. Betty's Daddy

    Betty's Daddy New Member

    Betty had surgery the day before Thanksgiving b/c a postule of hers became inflamed. She's been battling a staph infection off and on since July.

    In the past day or so, she's developed a small postule or pimple in the corner of her left eye.


    Why does this keep happening right before Holidays?? :(

    I may be taking her into the vet this weekend to have it checked out.

    In regards to your problem, you can let it go a bit, or you can put them on antibiotics. I had Betty on antibiotics for two weeks in June and she's been good since. Postules/pimples pop up and then disappear in a couple of days. The one on her arm only grew bigger and she had to have a biopsy and now this thing pops up. I hope to god it goes away but I doubt it this point...

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