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Weight Pull Questions Please Help

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by teighlor_d, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. teighlor_d

    teighlor_d New Member

    I have taken up the care of a 4 week old pupppy in which I named Mugan. He is a beautiful dog (a husky/amer. staffy) with a fiesty side to him. I have already made him a make shift harness and for a few seconds let him drag an empty milk jug just to see how he took to it and he didn't seem to mind at all. I would love when he is 5 months to start seriously training him for weight pull trails but there is so much I don't know still despite my research. I know he will need a speacial harness but I have no idea where to find a pull trail near me. I live in AR and the closest one I could find was in Hutto Texas which isn't that bad but I wonder where I could find on even closer. I would love some advice not only about searching for locations but for everything about weight trails.

    Also I have another dog named Dagger, and he is a basset hound mix that is 2, nearly 3 years old. I was wondering if he would be a proper breed to enter because Basset's are very weak backed, but he is mix so he is taller but still long.
  2. robbie

    robbie New Member

    weight pulls . .

    I was just at a weight pull in arkansas a couple of weeks ago, Pine Bluff. It was there first one to do there (UPF) and it was also my first pull to go and compete at, it was a great time. There is all kinds of pulls in Texas, Oklahoma has quite a few too. There is one I am going to in Pauls valley Ok. in about two weeks. i will post some links to the sites taht have schedules later when I get the time to write it all down. Just remember to take it slow and be patience and consistent and I am sure you will do fine. Thats my 2 cents.

    Robbie Anderson

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