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please help me fast...i think shes pregnant

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by goldfish_lover, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    ok well im really new at goldfish...
    last night i went out and bought a goldfish...but when i got her i noticed her sides were bulged and abnormal, i ask ed the fish person and they said they didnt know...and walked away (no helpat all!!) so i decided to take her home...when i tunred on my fish light i could see that insed that lump is what seems to be some little circles or balls inside... :shock:
    so ithink shes pregannt but i dont know what to do with eggs or anyhting... please help me...!!!!!

    (you can email me if you know the answer or post... brunettegirl1990@hotmail.com)
  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    how big is this goldfish ?
  3. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    shes little...maybe an inch give or take, shes brand new, so i dont know her behavior yet
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Also, can you post a picture?
    Has she been pooping normally?

  5. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    my webcam isnt working...and i just got her last night so im not sure...is there anyhting i can look for?
  6. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    i dont think ive seen her poop though.. :?
  7. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    i don't think goldfish can get preg. that young

    trying feed skinned microwaved peas
  8. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    what??? ok well how long do i put the peas in for?? and the kind you buy from the store? so i also just a albino suckerfish in there it wont bother him will it? and just in case shes preg. shouldi put her in a different tank for a couple days cuzi dont want her to eat the eggs...
  9. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    ok well it didnt post in the other message but an albino algea eater i think its called...and so you have to skin the peas, and what will that do? :roll:
  10. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    till the peas are mushy so the goldfish can eat them it will help the fish poop
  11. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    so heat the pea up, and then mush it up a bit, then feed it to her?
    oh yeha k well i have two goldfish in the tank so far and the girl eats all the food...i dont even think she leave a crumb, ive honestly never had a goldfish like this...i mean theyre usually greedy, but htis ones a vacum...she goes basically in a zigzag eat all the food...barely taking the time to swallow...its kind afunny but i have no clue how to calm her down? is it maybe cuz shes new and instead of being in shock like most fish and just mopping around...she eats??? i dont know...
    thanks for all your help
  12. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Like Fish Addict said, I doubt she's pregnant. Goldfish don't start breeding until they're around 3" or 4" long (and even they, don't readily breed in aquariums).

    As for the peas, goldfish are prone to constipation and peas are a natural laxative for fish (like fishy ex-lax).

    What I do is take some regular frozen peas, heat them up in the microwave for a few seconds to thaw them (you don't actually have to thoroughly cook them - 15 - 20 seconds should be long enough), peel off that outer skin (if you make a small tear in it, and gently squeeze the pea, the inside should pop right out), and feed the inside parts to the fish (you don't have to mash it). I would only feed one pea a day for the next few days and don't give it anything else (they can go weeks w/o food and if it is constipation, you don't want to be adding even more food to the blockage).

    What food have you been giving it?

    Also, I would really recomend returning the albino pleco. Plecos don't make great tankmate for goldfish because they tend to suck on the fish and cause ulcers/sores. Plus, most plecos sold get very large. How big is this tank, btw?

  13. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    well i havea 50 gallon tank but becasue we moved and my room is too small i am using my 5 gallon tank...so the algea eater is an albino i think, and i have to get rid of it??? and i'll do that how many days do i do that for?
  14. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    oh yeah and thanks alot you guys...i'll try that tonite...(going to buy some peas right now..lol)
  15. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    no prob i would put the fish back in the 50. 5 gal are way to small and are only really good for betta's
  16. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    well my rooms too small right now for my tank...but i only have two goldfish in it...is that enough...trust me the first chance i get to set it up i will!!! i love tanks and fish i think they look so pretty!! so how many peas and for how long to i give it to them??
  17. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    1 or 2 aday till you see the fish poo
  18. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    oh yeah and my fish...well when i bought her she has white spots very tiny ones that resemble ICH...btu then i looked at the rest of the fish and they all had it too...so i asked the fish person what it was...they said it was jsut the breed or something (thye jstu rambled)...but these ppl no nothing and so i want to make sure its not...now shes in a 5 gallon tank all by herslef and shes lying between the filter and the side of the tank all the time except for air and food...im worried about her i dont wanna kill her by accident!!! :(

    **these things always happen to me :x
  19. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    oh yeah the spots are only on her tail, and her tail is white
    and thanks for the pea tip im going to do that right now...so jsut heat it up peel it and drop it in??
  20. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    can you post a pic ?

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