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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by bellasmommy, Mar 21, 2004.

  1. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    what nicknames do you have for your little furbabies?

    bella has a few that she actually responds to (in addition to bella)

    we have:

    bell bell
    be (pronounced bay)
    bella (pronounced baya)
    shayna punim
    be be (pronounced bay bay)

    believe or not she actually comes to all these names! i really don't know why. but most often i call her be or bell or bella :)
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Sebastian's nicknames:

    Natalie's nicknames:
  3. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Little Buddy
    stinky boy

    Snickers (Ranger's sister, I don't own her, but she is over playing with Ranger a lot!):

    Snickers comes to most of hers, since they sound so much like her name, but the only one Ranger ever comes to is RangerDanger, since it has his name in it! He will occasionaly come to dog. A few weeks ago Ranger and I were hiking with some friends of ours down a creek, and we stopped to get a drink of water. Well, I had the backpach of waterbottles, and I was calling out names. Rangers had gotten labeled 'dog' since it had been his since he was little and didn't have a name (in other words the first day I brought him home!). I pulled out the bottle and, not recognizing it, even with all of the chewing marks, called 'dog' and he ran over from what he was sniffing and grabbed the water bottle. I don't know if that was chance or if he knows he's dog, but it was pretty funny to those of us watching :) .
  4. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    very cute story :lol:
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I call him Bails or Babies.... and, of course, monster......and for some reason it's "Little Buddy" when we go for our walks :)

    Bailey's daddy calls him Pooky! Don't even ask!....lol.... He actually started out calling him "do-do" (for MONTHS) and finally my mother (Bailey's grandmother) made it very clear to him on Christmas Eve that she did NOT like her calling her grand"son" DO-DO, so that was that! LOL and so then he changed it to POOKY. :?: men. :?: whatevah. :p :)
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    This is a cute thread!

    Mickey's nicknames:


    Don't ask where some of those names came from, I don't even know myself. :D And oddly enough, both Mickey & Tigger respond to the word "TREAT"...say that word and they will be at your feet before you know it...go figure!!! LOL :mrgreen:
  7. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member


    1. Face
    2. Jackson
    3. Buddy
    4. Silly dog

    but mostly it's just Jack!

  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Hey Deb, I love that pic of Jack! hehe..... It made me go back and look at his dogster.com site! hehe... I didn't realize he was still a puppy!!! he's such a big boy :) Does he have any standard poodle in him?
  9. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    he just a little thing!!

    only ten lbs!! Don't think he will get much bigger maybe 12 at the most
  10. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Belly button

    Corn chip (hubby started this cause she smells like fritos and she answers to it)
    Baby (daughter calls her this she will only answer to this with my 4yo)

    Big-Mama (Shes not a mom but she is a husky and compared to the poms she is huge, my 2 yo calls her momma sometimes)
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Deb, Jack has the legs of a poodle. Mini poos are anywheres from 10 to 15 lbs.
  12. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    i had forgotten to post one of bella's most common nicknames..


    and yes she responds to that one.. it started when we first got her, i just thought her face looked like a monkey.. the nicknames has grown on everyone so everyone calls her monkey now [​IMG]
  13. Poodlemom

    Poodlemom New Member

    My Sadies nicknames are:


    Amazingly she comes to all of those lol
  14. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Honey ,we shrunk Kujo
    Toto Butter
    toto puff
    Big Dog
    Larry ,Darrell and his other brother Darrell
    B.A.D ...Bad A_ _ DOG
    Demons from the pit
    Cookie dog
    Tiny Tina Turner
    Buddy boys,Buddy girls ,best little buddies in the whole wide world !
    Pooh whos
    Boo Boo Bellies
    Stinker butts
    Smelly willies
    Doodle bugs
    And then they have their names that rhyme like Sammy whammy
    KOKO Poco ,Caesar peaser
    Cleo mio
    Sofie dofie
    Lassie assie
    Blue Balou
    Goofie doofie
    Sheba diva
    Lady adie
    Gidget midget
    Got a million of them and they come when I say their nickname as well as their names ...LOL
  15. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    hehe.... goooooood gracious, ilovemaltipoos!! :) Do you have kids? And if so, do they know their real names \:D/

    Just joshin' ya :eek:
  16. Walt

    Walt New Member

    My dogs full UKC registered name is (McArthur's Tacoma Sultan)
    However my then six yr old daughter started calling him (Chooch) dodn't ask me what a Chooch is I dont even know if im spelling it rite LOL but now thats all he'll asnwer to :?

    Now I ask you does this dog look like a CHOOCH :D

  17. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    :shock: yes ,I raised a neice and a nephew ...Adam padam and Missy Misty plus other names I had rather not use ! :wink:
    They would cometo any name cause they always thought if I actually wanted to see one of them I had money ! :mrgreen: LOL ! Have a great day ! 8)
  18. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    LOoks like a chooch to me ! LOL ! :lol:
  19. RottieZeus

    RottieZeus New Member

    Ok so my lap do isn't exactly small (topping 90 lbs) but I wanted to share his nicknames anyways.

    Zeus answers to


    He picked up the Dink and Dinkers cause thats what I tell everyone his tail does, it "dinks" he only has a nub, so It is not fair to say that we wags it. I call him Baby when I want him to get on the couch (where he lays in my lap to watch TV) and Dog when I am mad at him. Like when he won't come in, I'll say "come on Dog".
  20. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    :D That is cute ! Bet he is a sweetie too !

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