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cat is really sick and the vet won't see him

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lilly_420_2003, May 1, 2004.

  1. lilly_420_2003

    lilly_420_2003 New Member


    o.k., i've never done this before, so bare with me but i'm 18, i have 3 cats and dogs and other animals., the other day my cat got reall sick, we took him to the vet at night wich cost an extra 100 (emergemcy), it came out to about $5oo. My mom doesn't have that kind of money but the agreed to hold her check till may. Joker came home, his kindneys are messed up, they don't know if he'll make it.

    tonight, my other cat simba started getting sick, sorry this may be gross, but he started throwing up this white foam stuff, i don't know whats wrong. he was hiding, so i started holding him to calm him down, then he just rolled over on the kitchen floor, and went stiff, his eyes rold back, i ws crying to bad, my mom got home right then, he woke back up, but when he tried to get up, its like he can't see and his legs are all stiff and rigged. he's bumping into walls, and isn't a happy kitty. i've been up with him all night.

    what this story is getting at is i called the vet last night, she said she was sorry, theres nothing they can do, cause they'r allready holding a check for her, they said it sounded bad and he neaded to come in right a way, but theres nothing they could do cause my mom didn't have a credit card and hung up., i'm lost, i don't know what is wrong with him, i'm hoping he's just sick, but i've never seen him walk like this. I had a dog (dingo) named pup, she used to always get out of the yard, and one day someone poisoned her, she came back and died in my hands., simba is acting alot like that, but i was thingking, if it was poison, it would probly work alot faster. i dunno, this is long and probly going nowhere, i just thought maybe all you guys that knows a thing or to about cats could give advice, all is appreciated. i don't know how much longer he'll hang on and we can't take him to the vet. He's all gray and 4 yrs. old

    Thankyou, jennifer
  2. ZenasMom

    ZenasMom New Member

    That's so sad!!! Where do you live? What kind of food do you feed? My cat had REALLY bad urinary tract infections partially due to the food I was feeding. He got so sick at one point that he wouldn't hold anything down, he wouldn't walk and his eyes rolled back in his head....took him to the vet, they gave him antibiotics and IV fluids and we switched his food...this was after about the 4th round of urinary tract infections. So, he hasn't had one since!! THANK GOD!!! Anyway, maybe you should try to find a new vet! Call your local shelter and tell them your situation, maybe they would be willing to either let you use their vet for cost, much cheaper than going to a regular vet, or maybe they would let you work it off at the shelter?!
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I'm really sorry about your kitty. He seems very sick and needs to see a vet a.s.a.p. I agree about trying to find another vet or going to your local shelter/SPCA to get low cost/payment plans with them. The other vet office is just aweful. A decent vet would help regardless if you have money or not (if you don't they will make very low payment plans every month until you pay it off). Obviously they are more interested in money than the welfare of sick animals. Not all vets are like this. Please call around and find someone who will help your kitty before it's too late.
  4. fleafly

    fleafly New Member

    I would definately find a new vet! Chessmind is right, that vet cares more about money than the animal. Unless they did surgery or some serious diagnostic work, a vet bill should never be 500.00. I bet he did a lot of unnecessary and costly tests.

    Most vets that board animals have people that they pay to come in and feed the animals and clean the kennels. I have been doing this at my vets and they credit my account instead of paying me. They have also had other people that they have let work around the clinic to pay off their bill. A good vet would work something out with you guys. My vet never refuses to treat an animal b/c the owners can't or wont pay. She has treated numerous animals knowing that the owners were never going to pay her, but she can't let the animals suffer.

    If I were you I would call around and go to another vet who cares more about animals.
  5. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member


    you need too contact your local shelter or another pet rescue organization. They often have people who will sponser sick pets , For sure they would worry about the pet first and the cost second. Your poor kitty sounds very ill I wish you the best. If everything comes out alright you might like to consider pet insurance for the future. It is relatively inexpensive and well worth the peace of mind it will afford you.
  6. lilly_420_2003

    lilly_420_2003 New Member

    thank you

    thanx for your replies. we live in a town with population 3,000, the closest town is 50 miles away and i have no transportation.

    well, we talked the vet into letting us bring him in, since it wasn't an emergency ( they didn't have to come in from sleeping), it wouldn't be a $150 extra chardge,...

    well, she was pissed, it turns out he has the same thing as my cat we brought in 3 days ago had., she said that it would be another $550, and there was no more credit. my mom said she didn't have it, she would just have to take him home, the vet then started calling us crule and inhumane, she tried one last thing before she would put him to sleep, she stuck a catheder in him whil he was awake, pure blood came out but at least he's un blocked. but we have to come up with $500 by 2 p.m., or he goes to sleep and its 12:30. She also wants us to bring my other cat back in for a week wich will be around 4 or 5 hundred extra cause of over the weekend visits, blah blah blah.

    we are stuck up a creek without a paddle, both aren't doing good, but we can't pay for it and its gonna be about $160 to put em' to sleep., i've had my cat for ( i found out) 6 yrs. and the other for about 2.

    i am jsut really really sad

    thank you for your replys, i'm gonna start having to come on here more
  7. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut New Member

    sick cats

    I'm so sorry this is happening. I'm so sorry you are hurting. I wish the vet could have worked something out with your family--or even if you volunteered to work there for "free" to make up the cost....it's sad vets can be so money hungry that they will put a pet down to a timeclock like that!

    Please keep us posted...
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh that is terrible! first off, how can your vet charge that much after hours?? we only get a 10 to 40 dollar surcharge or something like that. your vet is the cruel and inhumane one! maybe ask a family or friend to drive you to another vet? or ring a vet and explain your situation and ask if they can come out, or talk to the vet you have now? if i were you id just barge in and grab your cat. what a money grubbing cow.
  9. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i am so sorry 4 what u r going though..... and it makes me so angry 4 a vet to be like that.... im studing 4 a vet right now and im doing it 4 the animals not the $$$ i love animals to much to see any animal in pain or suffering... i used to work 4 a vet that was all about $ and only worked there 4 2 months b/c of that reason he would tell ppl that something was wrong just so they would spend the extra $ and in the long run after thousands of the ppl dollars he would finally rule out the real problem after he had created many more problems it made me sick and stillmakes me sick to think about it.... but then the last vet i worked 4 was the best... i have so much respect 4 him this 13 year old boy came in w/ a puppy w/ its eye hanging outta its head the doc. knew the boy didnt have the $$ but did the surgery to put the dogs eye back in total came to almost $300 (hes really cheap by the way compared to the other vets around here) and of course the lil boy didnt have the $$ the doc. told him to give him wahtever he could afford and not to worry about the rest the lil boy handed him $5 thats it and the doc gave back his dog and never asked 4 any more $$...but i truly hope ur kittys get better....i feel 4 u.....its brings me back to this girl maybe 15 came in one day to the vets at the bad vets and her kitty needed surgery 4 his blockage it would be a $300 surgery and her moms husband wouldnt let her mom spend that much n this cat this lil girl had since she was 7 so we had to euth. him and i had the joy of bringing her the cat so she could say her goodbyes... it was horrible if i had the $300 at the time i would of paid 4 the cats surgery 4 her her mom had to drag her outta the clinic....im sorry this is long but that stuff gets to me hard.... and i know how u feel i just lost 3 cats within 2 years... its hard very hard but my prayes and wishes go out to u....
  10. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly. The way I'm reading this, the vet is saying they are going to put your cat to sleep unless you pay your bill. Is this correct? If so the vet can not legally do this. They must legally give you your kitty back and then they can choose to send your unpaid bill to a collection agency. That's it. They are not allowed to put any animal to sleep over an unpaid balance. Either there is a lot of information missing on your post or your vet is 'this close' to losing their license. If I am reading this correctly and they put your cat to sleep, I would find a lawyer to take your case that will not charge you until he/she wins the case. Then they will take %40-%60 of what the court grants you.
  11. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    thats where i got a lil confused to.... a vet over in 2 counties from me lost his license b/c he refused to give an animal back to the ownder after a $1000 surgery they did on the cat the owner gave the vet $100 and the vet refused to give the cat back so they took the vet to court and he lost his license and they got their cat back....
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats absolutely pathetic that they want money instead of helping out an animal. THat really pisses me off and sorry for the language, but I can't help that.

    It sounds to me like your kitty had a stroke. Thats when a blood vessel bursts inside his brain. There are two kinds of strokes one that bleeds then clots, and the other that bleeds and doesn't stop. So what you need to find out is which one it is. FInd another vet, let them know your problem and surely they will work with you on something. Perhaps a payment plan.

    Whats good is that he woke up, whats bad is that theres not all that much chance that they'll 100% recover back to their normal self. The vet can give him meds, to calm him, but not much else.

    Good luck. I know its sad and scary, but these things happen and thats why its a good rule of thumb to have at least $1000 saved up for each animal you have for emergancies like this.
    Let us know what happens.
  13. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    another suggeston have u thought about getting pet insurance?? i have it on 3 of my animals and am gettin it on my other 3 it saves alot!!!and the monthly payments r low
  14. lilly_420_2003

    lilly_420_2003 New Member

    thank you

    thank you for all your replyes, we couldn't find the money, we didn't bring him back when they told us to, he suffered all weekend, he bleed, it had to do with his bladder and he had kidney failure, the vet put him to sleep today, mon. i held him on the ride back home, cause he was my little kitty, i didn't know they had pet insurance, my other cat that has the same thing is allright, but if he gets sick like simba did, they said that he would also have to be put to sleep, cause of the no money thing. we don't have any shelters around here, the only thing we have is the dog pund at the sherriffs office and they usually put them to sleep, exspecially if they are sick.

    i'm sad. i miss him, i was really hopeing he'd pull through, so that he didn't have to go back to the vet, thank you all

  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh lily :cry: he is now out of pain and in kitty heaven

  16. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    if i was you, id a. be sending hate mail to that vet b. smashing their windows in c. putting up posters everywhere about how evil they are. maybe you should do c. put up posters telling people about this.

    i feel like going into a rant about the richest smartest people going to uni to do courses they dont give a toss about. while the people who are passionate about something and want to learn get left behind just because they dont get straight a's or they/their parents dont earn enough.
    that ladies and gentlemen, is why we have so many money grubbing lazy vets, nurses, doctors etc!
  17. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    my kittys name is simba to... im sorry about what happened to ur simba i know its hard but i know u loved him and he had a wonderfull life w/ u... have u considered getting insurance on ur other cat in case something else comes up and have to go to the vet??? u can look online and find some really good deals.... as far as the vet goes it still gets to me how they can be like that and yes some ppl go to school 4 vet 4 the $$ but ppl like me who just want to help the animals there r some vets out there that r the same way just they r hard to find....
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I think we should all send them HATE mail! Those ba$t@rd$!!!!

    What if it was a child in dying need of med attention. DO you think they would turn it away????
  19. letsgopens

    letsgopens New Member

    cat is really sick and vet won't see him

    I think it really sucks how low vets are today. They don't care about animals they care about money and then when you have a sick animal and can't afford to get it fixed the humane society wants to fine you for animal cruelty. They should fine vets for animal cruelty for not treating sick animals unless they are paid first. I am from Pittsburgh PA and there is no where to find low cost vets, the Humane Society will not see you pet unless you got the animal there or you pay a membership fee and even then it is expensive. They do not care if you are poor. it is like everyone acts like only people with money should own pets. I don't understand why people who become vets because they "love" animals turn into such asses and then it only becomes about money. I need to take may animals to the vets to but I can't because I can't afford it. It's not like on Animal Planet where vets and animal agencies try and help. In the real world it is all about the money.
  20. lilly_420_2003

    lilly_420_2003 New Member

    thank you

    thankyou to everyone who replaied, its greatly appreciated, my other cat, joker is now sick again, with the same thing, he's the one who get sick first and ran our vet bill up, well, my mom has no money to pay for it, she is still in debt from him befrore, my girl cat pearl is sick, somethin to do with her stomache and my big dog beth is 13 and getting old, we can't take any of them to the vet, so if they get sick they have to suffer, those vets **** me off, but i guess thats how the world is, well the people in charge anyways, powerful with money and "knowledge" and don't do **** with it but get richer.

    **Moderator note - please watch your language**

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