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Should I have my Puppy's hernia Repaired?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Kimbr, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. Kimbr

    Kimbr New Member

    I have a 6 month old puppy that has an Umbilical Hernia. Should I have that repaired? He is getting Neutered Tuesday Dec. 30. I"m so scared for him. I just wanted to know if it was nesscessary to fix that. I hate to see him have surgery if he didn't need it? Please let me know your views.
  2. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I would have it repaired Kimber if it were me. I don't know much about those but I would imagine that it may be painful and could lead to more problems down the line. But that's me and I'm sure others will chime in on this one. You should call your vet and see what they think and since he is getting neutered next week they could do that at the same time. If it can wait that is.
  3. Kimbr

    Kimbr New Member

    Thank you for your reply.

    Thanks for your input. I think I will call the vet tomorrow and have that added on to the Neuter. I just hate to see him having surgery. Oh well, better get done now; than later.
    Have a great night,
  4. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

  5. Kimbr

    Kimbr New Member

    Thank you for the information

    Hi HDrydr,
    Thank you for the web site. I just finished reading it and I will have to ask my Vet. about it. Duncan has a small one. Maybe he won't have to go though hernia surgery.
    Thanks again, I really appreciate it!
  6. Kimbr

    Kimbr New Member

    Hernia closed on it's own.. Yeah

    Hi everyone,
    I just wanted to let you know that Duncan's hernia closed on its own. So, he didn't have to have Hernia Surgery after all. I was so relieved! He did get neutered yesterday and micro-chiped. Poor little guy is a little sore today. My husband slept on the floor with him last night. He felt so bad for our little baby. So, Happy New Year everyone and thanks for all the input!
  7. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Glad to hear that Kimber! Poor guy they heal soo quickly though, good for you neutering him and getting him microchipped.
    Here's to Duncan's healing!!

    would love to see pictures.

    Happy New Years to you as well. Hope to see more posts from you in the new year

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