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Please, Is Shadow dying

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by tinas, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. tinas

    tinas New Member

    my mother noticed that her 16 year old cat had started to lose weight. He had an appetite and had no noticeable changes in his behavior, but she took him to the vet. They did blood work and gave him fluids and sent them home to wait for the blood tests. That night her cat began to appear sick. He was weak and lathargic and developed diareea (sp). She called the vet the next day and took Shadow in. They gave her the syringe to continue hydrating him, told her that his red cell blood count was low and his kidneys were shutting down. After quite a struggle to hydrate him at home, his diareaa became what she describes as violent. He was also visably in pain. The next day she took him back to the vet, described what had happened and told them that she loved her animal too much to see him in pain, could not afford to continue hydrating him for the rest of his life and wanted to know if it would be kinder to put him down. They didnt answer her, though she said they were very nice, they just told her to wait a few days to see what was going on. That night, my mother was sure that Shadow was dying. He kept struggling to get himself on the bed and then falling off of it,..his suffering is causing her great pain. She lost her mother in hospice two months ago and her boyfriend has recently been diagnosed with cancer. What advice would you give her?
  2. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm sorry you and your family are going through all of this. Your mother is doing the right thing by taking your kitty to the vet. I hope they can find a solution and that everything works out okay. Take care.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am so sorry about the situation.
    I have found most vets will not tell you that the best thing is to put them to sleep as they want that choice and decision to come from the owner.

    If he is in pain and your mom thinks he is suffering then i think she knows what the best thing to do is even if the vet says leave it a couple of days.

    I could not see one of my animals in pain and suffering i would do the kindest and best thing for them as much as this would hurt i know i would never live with myself if they passed away suffering.

    Atleast if i made the decision to end there suffering i know they would prefer it that way.
    Having to keep hydrating him and watching him get weaker is not nice and is heartbreaking.
    I think you mother has made up her mind on what should be done...

    Again i am so sorry its never easy..
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and you mom.

  4. Kenimet

    Kenimet New Member

    When it's time you will know


    Please keep getting your cat Vet service, But when it's time to let go you will know it. Please be there and comfort and let him know you love him. It's the right thing to do.

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