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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by papillon/mom, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :eek: :eek: I would just like to show pictures of my boys (papillons) Max is 18 months and 11lbs Rosco is 6 months and 4lbs. lets all show our pictures.....show me the puppies... :love_y_t_much:

    some of you may remember Max I have shown his picture before here it is again......
    http://pic10.picturetrail.com/VOL308/18 ... 995731.jpg

    here he is grown up :kiss_her: http://pic10.picturetrail.com/VOL308/18 ... 545499.jpg

    here is my new buddy Rosco http://pic10.picturetrail.com/VOL308/18 ... 545489.jpg.

    here they are together in Rosco's bed http://pic10.picturetrail.com/VOL308/18 ... 545457.jpg
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    What little cuties!
    Here's a couple of my Pekingese fancy and Punkin one of my APBT.
    They are best buds!

  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    they are soooo cute!

  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Oh they are such cuties!!!! Thank you for sharing! :eek:

    Here's Molly & Emma.. my shih-poos! Emma first..


    Now Molly..

  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Oh they are so very cute! How old are they? Do they shed much?
  6. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Not sure who this is directed to.. but, I'll answer! LOL!

    Molly & Emma are 10 1/2 weeks old and we brought them home 2 weeks ago today :eek: They do not shed, which is VERY nice!! :D I love my girls so much!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yay!! A Papillon person! I was just saying last week that I think I will get one of these a few years down the road.

    What are yours like? Do they bark much? Easy to train? Like to cuddle? Playful? Did you get them from a breeder?

  8. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    reply to Jamiya.

    I have two and I will tell you each one has a totally different personality but I love them both soooo much.. :love_y_t_much:

    Max (oldest)-Max is very dainty, elegant if you will, he likes to be by my side at all times. Max does like to sleep w/me but not right next to me, by my feet, as for barking they only bark when people come over, they are like little alarms but when they are together playing they do tend to bark sometimes mainly Max when Rosco (little guy) steals his toy he will just sit there and bark at him, he is such a baby. As for training, Max was good, he went in the house the first couple months I got him but after that he was fine, mind you I did not crate train, he had the run of the house. I did take Max to petsmart training so he learned a few new tricks, settle, stay, come, and walk but other than that he learned sit and paw at home pretty quickly. Other than that Max is a big teddy bear he loves when you rub his belly OMG he loves it. :eek: :eek:

    Now we go to Rosco, my newist eddition, he is plain old crazy he is so little and squirmy, he is the bad one, he just doesn't care what you do to him, he is so little he sneaks away all the time, but he can be the cutest cuddeler, he loves to sleep under the blanket nestled next to me, I mean right next to me, he is a little more difficult to train than Max. I have had him 2 and 1/2 months and we are still working on the accidents w/him but he is starting to know when he does how mad :x we get, he runs right in his bed, I love them both sooooo much the breed is an excellent.
    choice.... :mrgreen:

    As for the breeder well let me say no more I live in NY and she is in Ada, OK and for my first one (Max) I drove 3 1/2 hours to Cleveland to get him and my other I got from the same breeder her dogs are exceptionally gorgeous her name is Donetta Williams and she does have a web site I can't remember it but her email is Donettawilliams@yahoo.com if your interested her pups are trully taken care of well. I found her on a breeders.com's web site, she was located so far but all went so well, I just fell in love w/Max and I wanted a companion for him and me so I got his brother (same mom & dad). :eek: :eek: :eek:

    I would recomend to anyone to get a papillon I love the breed..... :p :p

    good luck/////// :y_the_best: :y_the_best: :eek: :eek:
  9. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek: pooh girl-I love those little shi poos they are so adorable..

    :eek: :eek: :eek: Gina H- I don't think I have ever seen a pure bred Peek and now I have they are adorable, how much do they usually weigh, I have seen several mixes and now I see what characteristics are from the Peek he is so different also Gina can you tell me how you got your picture to show up I use URL and then the web site and it just shows up but you have to click on it how do you do that..... :bow_now:
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Instead of using URL, use the IMG tag.

  11. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    PooGirl- I can't see the pictures!!! Boo hoo!! I really want to see them! :cry:
  12. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    OK this is what the AKC standards are:
    Size and Weight
    The Pekingese is a medium-sized, toy-type breed. Quality is not to be sacrificed for size. They may not go over 14 pounds in weight.
    Disqualification: Over 14 pounds in weight.

    But My baby weighs 16 pounds....She's just big boned! LOL
    But she is a really good dog. She loves everyone! Her only problem is she has no idea she is little. She is a mighty dog! She tries to boss my APBT but they just ignore her. She goes everywhere with us she is a big time momma's girl. Sometimes I would almost swear she is part human.
  13. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    For Papillion: [​IMG]

    Pappi: I hope you don't mind me putting them on here. The third one would not show.
    Poogirl: I can't see them, just the x which I can't do anything about. Are they some pic's that I saw already on the other forum. If so don't worry about it.
    Gina your dogs are awesome too. That pity has purdy eyes.
  14. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Poogirl I see your pictures just fine today. Yesterday I only saw one.
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Heres Rufus
    And my curlt girl sasha
  16. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Puttin your pictures are not showing up.
  17. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    darn it, maybe later they will show. I hope.
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    papillonmom - how are they with grooming? Do you brush them every day? Do they need any kind of clipping or professional attention?

  19. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I believe they just need regulat brushings. If you get one, and ever bring it to a groomer. You tell the groomer never to ever cut the ear hair. It is supposed to be long and beautiful. I'm talking of the edges of the ears. There was a gal on another forum that had the groomer clips the ear hair and she was so mad. It reallty takes away from the look.
  20. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    oh they are so cute .. I just love pictures. I've been taking new ones, but my ditigal had heart attack so i"ll have to run to walmart and get them in a hour so maybe before long . here is one of my Yorkie babies though

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