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Betta Fish

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by swtnpink, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. swtnpink

    swtnpink New Member

    i was wondering how big of a container you should put a betta fish in... and if you guys think it's wrong to "train" your fish to fight other fishes by making it more aggressive and sticking it with a pencil and have it "fight" the pencil.... :x
  2. Popeye

    Popeye New Member

    stick your fish with a pencil....if you think thats right, maybe you should get out of the hobby & take up chewing on glass or something... thats messed up. fighting bettas is just plain wrong, they have a natural instinct & folks use that for their entertainment, usually resulting in the death of a very cool fish. I would probalbly stick a pencil in the back of whoever I saw doing that & then ask them how it feels.
  3. swtnpink

    swtnpink New Member

    THANK YOU! My boyfriend is planning to get a betta fish when I get my fishes for my tank and he's planning to keep it in a BOWL! Not even a GALLON!

    He's already making bets with his friends that his fish could beat up their's!!! I'm so angry at him! Then he tells me I'm over reacting and that he takes good care of his fish! I didn't think sticking pencils at your fish and making it fight other fishes to near death is taking good care of your fish :x ARG, I'm still so very angry! :cry:

    So I posted this to show him that it's not right and that I'm not the only one who thinks that. (sigh)
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If that's how he plans on treating fish, he doesn't need to have them. That's plain & simple cruelty.

  5. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Yeah thats pretty evil and cruel, I actually took one of my friends betta (shame on me) becuase he had it in a coffee mug... their was tons of poop on the bottom and his tail and head were squished on both ends.
  6. stefan

    stefan New Member

    i have a very old betta living in a community tank of 75 gallons. He is doing oke and still hunts around other fish but he is no danger to the other fish.
  7. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    perhaps you should tell your boyfriend that he'd end up killing it before he got to fight it (which i am also aposed to)

    the stress of poking him with pencils, will, eventually stress him to death.

    If my boyfriend was to do that, id be tempted to poke him witha pencil when he is sleeping and pretty much all day randomly to see how he reacts,a nd then say, well, your doing it, why cant i?
  8. papastew

    papastew New Member

    I love my little betta. He gets all excited when I come around the tank and he lets me pet his backside and actually glides along my finger when I feed him. I wouldn't try getting him to fight. It's wrong.
  9. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    papastew, your betta sounds so cute!

    mine is red with bits of iredecent blue.

    iv had three over time.

    My current fighter, Laurence is the only one to accept flake food, the others used to turn their nose up.

    My fighter helps me with my flute playing coz its the same facial expression. hehe.
  10. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    aww your beta sounds so cute. kinda like my angel fish, and my gouramis, i can hand feed the 3, when i walk into the room they come rushing towards the area that im at. you cant help but love them. even though they are huge!
  11. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    Honestly, if his point is to make the bettas fight to death, than he doesn't deserve to be in the fishhobby. But please note that bettas are born to fight in the while.. Humans have used selective breeding, making bettas less aggressive than ever.. In my humble opinion, I only support people who watch them in the wild fighting because thats their nature. However, I oppose those people whose main objective is to make them fight to death while they're in captivity. This is cruel and selfish.
  12. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Come on now, "is poking your fish with a pencil alright," think about it now, who does that! Thats just sick and simply retarded! That is like me saying, "is it o.k for me to beat you with a stick or stabbing you with a knife so that you know how to fight." The answer is obviously, NO!
  13. swtnpink

    swtnpink New Member

    yea, he hasn't been able to do anything with his betta since he got it because it wont eat. it's been about a week or two now =/
  14. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    What size container does he have the betta in and how often does he change the water?

  15. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    popeye, i like your icon. lol.
  16. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Wow, it looks like OneWolfsDream is on a "posting streak" when I got to the forum his name was the only name going straight down the last post reply column! :eek:
  17. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lol, yup thats what summer vacation does to you! :lol:
  18. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lol, yup thats what summer vacation does to you! :lol:

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