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Question About Pitbulls

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by BrotherDamien, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. BrotherDamien

    BrotherDamien New Member

    Hi everyone. This is my first time posting but I've read alot of posts over the past few weeks.

    Anyways. I currently have a year old red nose american pitbull terrier. I know there are lots of different color noses on pitbulls (red, black, blue, etc). My question is... other then the actual look of the dog... does having a different color nose have anything to do with the dogs attitude, friendliness, attidude towards humans, attidude towards other dogs etc etc. I just want to know whats difference does it make on having a different color nose dog other then the obvious look of the dog.

    Btw Thanks in advance for anyone who replys!!! :y_the_best:
  2. BrotherDamien

    BrotherDamien New Member

    Oh hey again guys and gals... Here is a pic of my Pitbull... I thought u guys would enjoy it :p

  3. oso

    oso New Member

    I CAN'T SEE :(
  4. BrotherDamien

    BrotherDamien New Member

  5. goob

    goob New Member

    If you copy/paste the link into your little address box at the top, the pic will show up, geocities doesn't allow you to post pics elsewhere. SHe is very cute BTW :)

    And no, there's no difference between red noses, black noses, and blue noses except the color of their skin and coat. There may be certain traits that individual lines (which may often be of a particular color, like OFRN dogs for example) seem to have in common, but there really isn't a standardized difference between dogs of different colors.
  6. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Awww! So cute :D

    You can upload pics at www.photoisland.com

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    If that doesn't work, go to www.photoisland.com, and log in to my
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  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    BrotherDamien: You have a Beautiful PitBull! Your picture is very good. Suitable for framing.

    Color of noses have no relevance to temperment or attitude. I was never quite sure why breeders emphasize "red nose" in their ads in the classifieds. Maybe someone could enlighten me on that. I've seen PitBull noses in all different colors, and to me, they're all equally appealing.

    My daughter's PitBull has about the most unusual colored nose of any PitBull I've seen and it makes him just as adorable.

  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Because they need to peddle their pups, so they will emphazide a trait so people will foolishly believe its something better. Red nose, merle, blue, blue nose, pure white, albino, seal, chocolate, ect. People will do anything to sell pups and make a buck.

    Butterfly nose

    Their 1/2 brother with a red nose

    Black Nose
  9. chickee

    chickee New Member

    I don't advertise, per'sey, BUT, I do have the words "Home of the chocolate rednose" under my kennel name. There is absolutely nothing special about any color, including chocolate. In my case, I have 9 rednoses, 3 of whom are red/rednoses, 6 being chocolate/rednoses. Now out of those 6 chocolates, four are taken from my own breedings where every single puppy in the litter was chocolate. Not much of a choice, but thats ok. I absolutely LOVE the color. What I am saying is for me, whenever I breed any pairs that include one (male or female) chocolate, I get an entire litter of chocolate. Now, for the 1st time ever, I just had a litter of red fawns, reds and chocolates, BUT, it was because I bred two red/rednoses. Some may think I breed for color. I say I breed rednoses, which the majority do not cross over to other lines.
  10. BrotherDamien

    BrotherDamien New Member

    thanks guys for the feedback.

    If I breed my rednose with another rednose pit... Will all the pups turn out rednoses or random colors?
  11. BrotherDamien

    BrotherDamien New Member

    Im asking cuz my brother says he only wants to breed our pit with another rednose with a yellowish coat... Something that looks just like the pit we have now. Im wondering if it makes any difference what the male pit looks like.

    Cuz we want pups that look just like the pit we got now with a yellowish coat and rednose.
  12. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Yes it matters what the male looks like.
  13. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    By yellowish coat IM assuming you mean Fawn or Buckskin?
    If you breed two red nosed dogs together the likeliness of them having all red rednosed pups would be depending on the dogs genes. So there are no guarantees you really should know the dogs pedigree thoroughly.
    A black nose dog can have rednosed pups if there are Red nosed dogs in it's pedigree and vice versa I believe.
  14. goob

    goob New Member

    Two rednosed dogs will throw only rednosed pups. A dog must have two copies of the gene for liver pigment in order to show the trait, and that means any pups from a red nose dog will always inherit a liver gene from them. So, if you breed two rednose dogs, they will each receive one gene for liver, making them also red nosed. Coat color is affected by more variables, and recessive genes may come more into play there, so it's hard to tell exactly what colors you could get from any given breeding.

    I do hope that that isn't the only reason you're planning on breeding your dog, as there are TONS of nice red nose dogs already in existance and no need to breed more "just because".
  15. BrotherDamien

    BrotherDamien New Member

    well i heard that a female dog should atleast give pups once in her lifetime to live a full happy life. She still hasnt done the wild thing either... She humps our legs alot when shes horney...and if we decide to breed her it would mainly for her sake and for the money of cource.

    were first time dog owners
  16. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hey all just wanted to say I love the pics of your dogs on here they are all so nice.
    And brotherdamien not sure where you heard a female should have one litter to be happy, she will be just as happy if you go ahead and spay her and never breed her. In fact the complications of a pregnancy to me are not worth the risk on your dog. There are so many unwanted dogs in this world and I see no point in adding more if you are not a professional breeder. Not trying to offend anyone just my opinion.
  17. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Wow you think people really care when they ask these bizarre unresearched questions, then their true colors show :x No wonder our breed's gone down the drain. It don't take much to research, pick up a book and talk to people!!!

    lol first time dog owners...breeding???? No wondering here what the problem with the APBT is.
  18. Gatorpit

    Gatorpit New Member

    Damien, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but both of your reasons for wanting to breed your dog' "I want one that looks just like her" and "she has to have a litter to be happy" are the top two DUMBEST, MOST IRRESPONSIBLE reasons to breed a dog. They are also the most common, and those reasons are EXACTLY what puts pups in the shelter. Is she registered? If so, show her, title her, learn a hell of a lot more about the breed, THEN you can start THINKING of breeding her. If, she does not meet the standards, (she looks like she does, though) you should not breed her. Niether should you breed her if you are not willing to keep, or take back any pups that you produce.
  19. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Gator nice post, but you forgot their other reason. "For the money of course" To me not just the dumbest or worse and irresponsible reason, but the most sick selfish reason to breed and bring pups into the world and risk your female for.....exploiting and self gain.

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