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your top 15 bloodlines choices

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by mattbone, Jul 20, 2004.


when you got your dog was the bloodline an important factor?

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  2. no

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  1. mattbone

    mattbone New Member

    i want to know everybody's top picks as far as bloodlines go. it doesn't have to be 15 ( it can be more or less ) but i want to try and gauge what experienced owners and breeders favor. don't just pick based on name recognition either...i know colby is gonna come up near the top of the list a bunch so choose more on the dogs you prefer...looks , performance, etc. should all weigh in. also i 'd like to know your pets bloodlines. my dogs ( i have 3 .... 1 male and 2 females ) are primarily lar-san, comer , monteego, gaff , and corvino with a little hemphill, gator, watchdog, wilder, and sarona.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    When I got my two PitBulls, bloodline was the furthest from my mind. I had no intention to breed, so both are spayed and neutered. I love the breed no matter what the bloodline. I didn't concern myself with their color or the color of their noses, or their body size or the size of their heads, or any of the irrelevant things that some people have when wanting a PitBull. I love them for just the way they are.
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Bloodline was very important, but more lays with the parents themselves. I can't go on bloodline alone because many dogs are just bred because they are a certain line and loose the quality, and many dogs don't represent the line/dog they are bred from. But it is an important factor when choosing the dog. Colby would be close to the furthest thing I'd probably choose, there are some I'd stay totally away from. As far as top bloodlines for myself Redboy (Bingo/Deacon), Jeep, Rascal, Bolio, Homer, and crosses RedBoy/Jocko, RedBoy/Jeep, Jeep/Rascal, Jeep/Homer, Homer/Rufus, true OFRN, OFRN/Eli or OFRN/Homer.
  4. mattbone

    mattbone New Member

    i like your pics true pits...pretty dogs. what are their lines?
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    OFRN/Saltydog-Bozo, Redboy/Turtlebuster/Jeep/Rascal, OFRN/Clouse/Eli-Carver
  6. Gatorpit

    Gatorpit New Member

    Cuda is heavy Sorrells, Matrix has some Jeep and Going Light, Bishop is also Jeep, and Going Light, Pongo is Jeep and Eli, Turbo is OFRN, Banjo is (I'm Trying to remember, I saw her parents peds, but am waiting for 7 gen.) Boudreaux, Nebblits, McCoy, and Gr Ch Boogieman for sure. My new pup is a grandson of Boogieman, and has some Boudreaux, Sorrells, and some others I can't think of right now. Waiting on his ped. too. After having seen some of the stuff produced from Boogieman, I'm starting to really like that dog.
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Boogieman is an awesome dog/producer. He's still going strong and producing in his old age. Cold Steel has some very nice dogs. Are you ever going to put pedigrees up on your website?
  8. Gatorpit

    Gatorpit New Member

    Yes I am. I'm still waiting on Banjo's, the new pup's will be sent for next week. I also need to find out how to build a 7 gen ped. for my site. I was planning on scanning the ADPA peds. and just posting them as pics. Would that work?
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    That could work, sometimes they are just really hard to read because of the text. Not real sure how a 7 gen would work.
  10. mattbone

    mattbone New Member

    just bumpin it back to the top...cmon guys i wanna know what you think
  11. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    no it was not important

    it was not important to me and i will post my pitbull sheeva's story. i had planned origanally to go with my step dad and get a retriever black lab mix, but when we got to the pound things changed, sheeva the little dog that was only 4 months old skinny and looking sad caught my eye the dog warden was just getting ready to put her to sleep she was in poor conditions, but me being the pitbull lover i am told my step dad that i wanted her and so we took sheeva home she is now a yr and 8 months old and very happy girl i thought at first when i got her that we may have problems beings she was young and sick and we did not know if she was a puppy mill pit or what her history was but everything turned out alright and she is living a happy healthy life!

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