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Snakehead fish

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Heather&Nicole, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    In Maryland and Virginia i know its illegal to own a snakehead..but I still want one :lol: Where would you go about getting one?

    they are really cool lookin fish and I know i'd have to feed it other fish and frogs and stuff..i did some research on it. A 55 gallon would be big enough right? (((I'd get a second 55 gallon for it alone))

    I wonder what would win..snakehead vs pirahna..
  2. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    LOL thats funny, I was just riding on the C&O canal a few days ago were they caught one of the first snakeheads, they had a picture and a "kill immediately" sighn but thoes things are seriously ugly, wouldnt want it cralwin out of the tank and eating me one night.
  3. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    You live in maryland too? cool deal. They may be ugly but they are cool lookin. I'd have a serious lockdown on the lid. lol
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    well considering msot piranhas dont live-up to their name (the 3 i ahd were the most nervous and skittish fish i ever owned) i would say snakehead definatly would win. i dont know if you should own a fish like that especially since it is illegal in your area b/c of some form of law enforcment finds out they will take it away and give u a nice fine along with it.
  5. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    I wouldnt release it though..I'd probably fry it up and cook it for dinner, i hear its good eating. LOL
  6. needlefish1

    needlefish1 New Member

    a snakehead would murder a piranha. i wouldnt get a snakehead in maryland. if someone finds out u have one they could call the police and then it could be taken away... lucky thing i live in NJ!
  7. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

    That * man :( But noone would be at my house except my friends and im sure they wouldnt rat me out :lol: Wanna hook it up for me on the DL and tell me where your ordering yours from?

    This is a family forum. Watch the language please.
  8. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    anyone have a pic of them
  9. Heather&Nicole

    Heather&Nicole New Member

  10. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

  11. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How could you stand to have that thing lookin at you all day?
  12. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    i think that would win
  13. needlefish1

    needlefish1 New Member

    since when were snakeheads illlegal in NJ? like 2 months ago. oh well for that idea.

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