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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by MonsterBailey, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I thought it was time to post some recent pictures of Bailey!.....and was thinking he looked extra precious in this first one:


    And then, thought this second one was hilarious and you'd enjoy it too!


    I just posted these on the toy-dog section, but had to post over here also!
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Awwwwww!! Bailey is so darn cute! :kiss_heart:
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Bailey is so freaking CUTE!! I just love him. My Mom is going to be here in Sept. and I'm going to show her his pic. She will just melt.
  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    awwwwwwwwww thanks guys!!

    Love-da-pits... you'll have to send your mom to Bailey's dogster page too! :) hehe...... then again, maybe you'll just have to buy her a shihpoo for her visit! HA HA
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Bailey is so cute!
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Awwww! What a cutie!! How much does he weigh? Is he a malti-poo or a shih-poo?
  7. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Bailey is one cutie boy!! I love his eyes.....you can see so much in his eyes. Some dogs are cute, and some just have SOOOO much personality as well...and I can see in Bailey's eyes he is big on personality!
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    awwww thanks pamr! Yep, he's a little friendly fire-bug! :)

    Jamiya - Bailey is a shihpoo.... he weighs about 14 lbs, which is big for his "mix" but he's not fat! just big boned!! ar ar ar (I sound like a parent droppin off her kid at a fat farm! LOL)
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Cutie patooty. I think he's saying look ma no cavities.
  10. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    As always Bailey is adorable! Thanks for posting the pics. I love the one with his mouth open!
  11. Jody

    Jody New Member

    He is so cute...... :eek: :eek:
  12. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    awwww... Bailey says "ruff ruff"... a.k.a. "thanks guys!"

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