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Lots of new pics of the girls

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by goob, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. goob

    goob New Member

    Nice rose ears

    Annnnd gone :roll:

    Shaking it up

    Goo's smirk

    Chasing the fake squirrel


    Peeking at the "real deal" squirrels in the yard

    And some of them out in the boat the other day....

    Goo silhouetted against the sun

    Pondering the merits of boating

    A nice hood ornament

    Her spot on the bow of the boat


    Hale obsessing over a log (actually a part of a piling from an old pier), she almost fell overboard trying to keep track of it

    Looking cute while stealing a spot on the seat

    Checking out some seaweed

    Trying to relax

    She sits like this all the time on the couch, but it was too funny to see her sitting in the back of the boat like a person :lol:

    Some dogs might be able to look noble while standing on a boat like this.... not Haley :roll: :lol:
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Well, Goob as usual your pictures are beautiful and IM left with a longing to steal Haley away from you! I swear I love that dog! Her personailty just shines through!
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Beautiful pics :eek:
  5. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    :y_the_best: I agree great looking pic's and pet's. I'm new here so forgive me for asking but what happened to Hales left front leg, was it an accident or was that adorable little angel born that way?
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Great pictures! :eek:
  7. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Great pics!
  8. goob

    goob New Member

    Thanks everybody :)

    Gina, there are days when I'd be happy to give Haley to you :lol:

    Blueribbon, Haley was found roaming in a not so good area by a lady who picked her up and brought her in to the vets where my mom works. She had an open break on her front leg, and some genius had taped it up with electrical tape. They had to turn her over to AC to see if her owner claimed her, but some techs fell in love with her sweet personality, and bailed her out when her time was up. By then, her leg was so badly infected, they had to take it off. She doesn't seem to miss it much, though she does occasionally have a crash when she forgets there is no leg there and tries to use it anyway :lol:
  9. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Great pics, and beautiful dogs!
  10. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Those are really great pictures!

    I really think the one with Goo silhouetted by the sun with the sun on the water is absolutely beautiful.
  11. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I would be glad to take Haley off of your hands! :D
    She is adorable and looks so sweet! She probably likes to give you lotsa kisses! lol
    I can't even pet Shianne without her going nutz!

    Goob look like a sweetheart also. He looks very intelligent and noble! lol
  12. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Excellent pics :eek: :eek: :eek:
  13. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    what great pics, looks like they ahve a ball at the lake.

    Does Haley go swimming or is that too hard for her/ even though she has a vest on?

  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    As usual Goo shows her elegance!
  15. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Wow! I have to say your dogs are very cute and secondly, I admire the fact that you have taken the initiative to make the life for a dog with a disability better by providing it with a good home and not sending it or leaving it in an animal shelter!
  16. goob

    goob New Member

    Yep, it does give you a bit of humility though to have a dog who loves everyone she meets like they're her long lost best buddy. She'll happily trade us in for a complete stranger :lol:

    Manly too I guess... Goo's a girl :wink:

    Haley's actually afraid of the water, she'll go near it, but doesn't actually want to go in it. I think with more work, she'd probably come around, but there's no place within walking distance safe to walk in a big dog for swimming/wading. I was actually surprised at how willingly she jumped into the boat the first time, and she's completely at ease even when she looks over at the water. I really don't know if she can swim or not, so she's wearing the life jacket (which is actually Goo's, but Goo can swim well enough that it's not a real worry in water as shallow as what we were in), as I'm not going to be trying to keep myself and her afloat if we end up in the water :roll: . Most of my family thinks -joking mostly- she'd swim in circles :lol: but I tend more towards the rock theory. I do think the life jacket would keep her stable enough in the water that she'd stay afloat and could probably swim ok.

    Nameless, we sort of got stuck with Haley, not that it was a bad thing :wink:

    A friend of mine originally adopted her from the vet clinic after I'd mentioned she needed a home in passing. About 6 months after she came to live with her, Haley got diabetes, and though my friend kept up with her care well at first, she started to skimp on her schedule (important for diabetics that they get shots, food, etc at certain times so things can all work together properly), and Hale paid for it. She started getting underweight the summer before last, and we (my mother had been involved in her vet care since my friend had taken her, taking her in for appointments and helping to pay for her care since she had an employee discount) had all sorts of tests run, everything came back clear. Asked if her owner was keeping up with all her stuff, she said she was, though by then we were starting to wonder. Hale was up and down, still underweight, at times almost skeletal for most of the fall and winter of 2003, more tests, still not much turned up. Then in February of last year, her owner came down to our house and told my mother that something was wrong with Haley and she wouldn't get up. After more questions, she admitted she hadn't been feeding her and giving her her shots when she was supposed to. She brought her down so my mom could she if she could tell what was wrong, and Hale couldn't even stand, just curled into a little ball and shivered. We took her to the pet ER, where they told us that she was severaly emaciated, and would either live or not, there wasn't much they could do, aside from hospitalize and monitor her. We ended up taking her home, and had her for several months while her diabetes was gotten back under control, and her weight back up. Then we didn't want to give her back for the same thing to happen again, so we had her for a few more months figuring out what to do with her. It's hard enough to find a home for a pit bull, nevermind one who's already dog aggressive, has diabetes, and is missing a leg, so we eventually decided she was staying here.

    Even after all she's been through, she's got a wonderful temperament, never met a stranger, and she's made more converts for the breed than I ever have in all my time trying to explain it to people.
  17. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Awww, come on now! You know even though she loves everybody she would truley miss her best friends! :D

    OMG! I feel extremely stupid now! lol
    I don't know why I didn't even bother to ask. I just assumed. BUT I guess thats what happens when assuming. I guess I never really gave it much thought lol SORRY!!! :oops:
  18. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I still admire you keeping a dog with a disability, because I know a lot of people who would rather put it to sleep or send it to an animal shelter!

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