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New Idea Dont Start Yelling

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Fishkin, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Now don't everyone start yelling at me about fish abuse but I had a great idea. I am thinking of getting 4 convicts for my 55, 2 males 2 females and have them breed and what I am going to do with all those hundreds of fry I will use them as feeders for all my other meat eating fish. I will keep some fry and breeding will go on and on equaling endless feeder fish!! But just to be sure, is it healthy feeding convicts to carnivorous fish?? I would assume it is just like any other healthy fish.
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    well, if u really want to i suppose it might be ok as long as the fish arnt large enough to fight back and injure your P's
  3. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    And don't get me wrong I have wanted to get some cichlids because I think they are very pretty fish and I want some active fish in the room. It's just when I heard how easy/often/many fish these produce I got some ideas lol.
  4. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    omg. you know you could make more money off selling the fry and getting propper feeders then just feeding them to the fish.
  5. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    I'd have to disagree. Most lfs' get overrun by all their customer's convict fry and, at least around here, don't take them at all or will only take them if you "donate" them to the lfs.

    Yours isn't a bad idea, people do it with guppies all the time. But still remember that it is important to have a variety of foods fed to the fish in addition to the convict fry to be sure that all their nutrition requirements are met.
  6. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I completely have to agree with tina. I have had personal experiences with that! Lol!
  7. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    yea...if anything, this is much more healthy for the piranha this way b/c store-bought gldfish used as feeders are usually negelcted and have numerous diseases.
  8. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    OoOoO ok that makes sence, my petstore down here seems to love getting convict fry all the time. all 3 of em.
  9. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Well I am sure I will make some money off some, and feed some to my fish. I am sure there will be enough lol. :wink:
  10. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

  11. needlefish1

    needlefish1 New Member

    thats a great idea
  12. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    dont count on making that much money off them
  13. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Most lfs won't take them and also if you even happen to be lucky they would expect you to give it to them for free! However, good luck with your idea!
  14. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Lots of people feed con fry to there fish just because all they do is breed like mad. I have been thinking about getting cons when i get my new tanks and just giving the fry to friends with preditory fish.. But everyone has cons now :D Im thinkin dempsey breeding pair :eek:
  15. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    dempseys wouldnt breed like convicts if you are out for just all the fry.
  16. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You're going to need a 75 - 100 gallon tank for a breeding pair of depseys.

  17. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Almost everyone ive every talked to on forums has said about 60g except u im not trying to be rude but do you always just say over the acaul size so people will get a more roomy tank?
  18. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    not to but in though it is said to get a larger tank then needed for the fish so they have extra growing room and more comfort for them.
  19. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    yea, its always best to get over the minimum tank size.
  20. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    JD's get 8" - 10" long. I had an 8" and a 10" oscar in a 75 gallon tank and I couldn't imagine them being happy and not cramped in something smaller than that. Not to mention they got territorial and aggressive and I had to give one up (& JD's are more aggressive than oscars). Plus as far as bioload was concerned, I could NOT miss a weekly water change or my nitrAtes would be way too high.

    You'll have much better luck and fewer problems if you go with a bigger tank.


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