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20 Gallon Tank

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Fishkin, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    I am thinking of buying a 20 gallon long tank. I was wondering if any of these neat fish could live in it, and would any be compatible with the others??

    Congo Tetra
    Giant Danio
    Ram Cichlid
    Three Spot Gourami
    Spotted Gourami
    Pearl Gourami
  2. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    The gouramis and rams would be ok. With the gouramis just make sure you have a good male/female ratio. For the rams you could get one male and one female but not two males. Congo tetras and the giant danios get much too large IMO.
  3. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Thanks for your quick reply. What does IMO mean?? Also, AquariaCentral.com says in their species profiles that the Congo Tetra and Giant Danio minimum tank sizes are 20 gallons. I mean the Congo only gets 3 inches right??
  4. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    Sorry, IMO=In my opinion. I'd always heard that congos got to about 4 inches. In either case you'd need a shoal of at least five or six and since they get so large they wouldn't have many places to swim. I really think they are happier in larger tanks. Same for the giant danio. If you wanted to keep a species tank of one of these types of fish you could but I just don't think they'd have a lot of room to swim which would be a shame seeing how gorgeous they look in proper schools swimming in big open areas.
  5. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Yeah I do agree with them looking alot better in schools but why do the congos need to be in shoals??
  6. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    they are a shoaling (or schooling, been spending too much time on an english board lol) fish so they do much better in schools.

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