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Ich Cure Colors

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Fishkin, Sep 11, 2004.

  1. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    I was at the store the other day and I noticed that there is an ick cure that has methlyane blue or something that is said to stain the glass corners... but there is organic (non staining) for same price and same quantity. Is one better than the other for curing ick? They both were the same brand also... and I am thinking well who would by the staining one if the other non staining was same price brand and quantity. So is one more effective than the otheR?
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    they are probably jsut as effective....they might be a bit of a diff. price maybe or there is some other reason for both of them.
  3. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Possible, though it may not always be true, Many products are just sold to make you think things, though they are not always gonna work that way, i just used regular ich medications, it will change the water for a little while and the sides do go blue, though they faid in time, my ones are blue and it looks really nice for a effect.
  4. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    The blue will stain wood products but glass/acrylic should be alright, also if you run carbon in your filter it will eventally clean driftwood. I've never heard of the organic stuff but it sounds alright, might want to google it/the company.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    The problem isn't the glass or acrylic, it's the silicone getting stained. Personally, I've had the best luck with salt and high temp, but you can't do that with scaleless fish, frogs, or snails.

  6. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    I didn't think about the sealent, sorry :(
  7. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    Hi Fishkin, I'm not famaliar with the organic ich cure but my experience with methalyne blue is that it really doesn't work that well on ich but is really good for fungus infections. The best ich cure that I have found is Maracide, manufactured by Mardel.
  8. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Yeah the organic works ALOT better than the blue stuff I have but this site said the methlyane or w/e kills ich faster. What a joke lol.

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