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cat swap

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    mary...are we going to have one place where we post about the swap? or just do it individually. i received my presents from...

    ...da da dada!!!!.....

    no one other than...... :eek: :D :kiss_heart: :0018: :m41:

    VENE!!!!! :love_y_t_much:

    I would like to post pics...but i wont get them developed until tomorrow. then i will let everyone know what i got!!!

    (everybody listen in....vene is the best present giver...so if we have a swap again, or gift exchange and you dont draw her name...pay somebody off to switch..you wont regret it!!!!) :wink: :y_the_best: :p
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    your own post is fine :eek:
    and vene...thanks for much for doubling up - you are truly a sweetie
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    :0023: :0017: :m39:

    You are so welcome Mary. This is so much fun, I don't mind doubling or even tripling and, I spent less than $10 per person as Mary suggested! I'm frugal. :shock: :mrgreen:
  4. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    Sorry...couldn't pay me enough!! :mrgreen:
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :D exactly my thoughts wtpooh. i, too, got a pillow, a whole bunch of little toys, and a good luck charm. i have that hanging on my wall next to a cross and a candle. O:)

    the pillow is AWESOME. but, i hogged it for myself...so if its supposed to be for the kitties...fuhgitaboudit :m3: :m36: lols.

    :m19: max fell in love with a feather toy she included. :kiss_heart: it has three pieces of sticks that you screw together to make it about two feet long. but max...didnt even give me a chance to screw them together. he immediately grabbed it and took off, carrying this feather thing in his mouth with the stick dragging beneath his two front legs...totally funny. then!!! when i went to get it to throw, so he could retreive it...i thought...."what is that?" and he was growling...like a dog does when you try to take his ball. yep...he does it every time. so i growl back, and now its a game. he also growls if either mikey or chris tries to take it. chris decided last night that he liked it. didnt make max too happy. but i got pics!!! and i will send.

    she also send gifts to chris :love_y_t_much: ...a pillow and a carrier cushion, and some toys....

    LOTS OF TOYS!!!! :eek:

  6. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    hehe...I had to ask permission to "borrow" it. The colors match so well in my livingroom. I curled up on my couch with it last night :) So comphy!!
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    U R welcome Lynn. Let's not exaggerate about "the best." :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: You and Wtpooh are too funny. But I'm tickled pink that you two enjoy the prezzies. :p
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    well...just a little update. of course, like wtpooh...mine is on my couch too!!! and today, mikey (who never comes on the couch) jumped up and started purring and kneading on the pillow!!! :eek: for the longest time!! :D then he lay down...and fell asleep.

    max...was on my bed today (where he doesnt usually lay down) laying on the pillow you made for chris. :wink:

    ...i think we have some winners folks!!!!
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Can't wait to see the pictures lynn! :D
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    That's amazing Lynn about the M+M's. When I was making the pillows, I had a really hard time trying to pry both Rene and the baby off the pillows. LOL's! Rene kneads like crazy on the beds. :p I've never seen her do that. :shock:
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i couldnt get any pics of the kitties on the pillows...except for the one i am submitting to the photo contest. max is on that one...

    but here is the sequence of events the other night. max loves his toy from you vene...and chris has taken a liking to it too!!! max growls when anyone tries to take it away...carries it around the house, jumping from couch to couch with it in his mouth...that stick dangling around. its hysterical....

    :D :wink:







    and this is where christopher says..."...MY TOY...MY TOY...MY TOY"....



  12. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Looks like Vene bought the purrfect gifts :D

    The third pic is hillarious! Mikey looks so insulted :lol:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Lynn those pics of your babies are beautiful! :eek: :eek: :eek: I love their facial expressions. LOL's! :mrgreen:
  14. lgm5309

    lgm5309 New Member

    lynnhaz!!! your babies are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

    who's the blondie? he looks similar to my lil boy. :)
  15. nern

    nern New Member

    Cute pictures lynn....looks like they are enjoying their presents. :D
  16. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    You have gorgous cats Lynne....
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    thanks everyone!!!! :eek:

    lgm...thats my lover kitty mikey. i rescued him in august of this year. and...i just love him dearly. he is a wonderful kitty, with a great disposition and is very attached to me. smart too...like a little human. he has really found his way into my heart. :kiss_heart:

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