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Breeder Question

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Aqueous, Mar 23, 2004.

  1. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    :?: Hi everyone,

    Does anyone know of any reputable breeders of yorkies or other toy dogs in or around the Toronto area?

  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I'm sorry but I don't. One way to learn about the where abouts of getting a dog is to go to local dog parks and ask yorkie owners there or dog shows or faires. Do a search of pet shows coming up in your area.
  3. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    i would think the canadian kennel club website may be of help to you. i know that the american kennel club website has breeder listings.

    sorry i'm not much help.

    but welcome :mrgreen:
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member


    :D Thanks for your replys.

    I was thinking about getting another yorkie or a smaller toy dog as a companion for Rocky. I called up Rocky's breeders but they don't have any dogs or puppies available yet.

    I just wanted to see if anyone knew of any other breeders. I think I'll wait and see if they have any later on.

    Thanks again!

    Oh and Bella's a cutie! :mrgreen:
  5. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Have you checked out Yorkshire Terrier Breed Clubs? Local & National?

    The Canadian Y.T. Association http://www.thecyta.com/ try contacting the secretary for a list of breeders. Sometimes the Clubs will list breeders on their site. Read over the clubs Code of Ethics for when you find a breeder.

    Also be sure to check out Canadian Y.T. Rescue http://www.canadianyorkshireterrierrescue.com/ sometimes they have pups or young dogs available for adoption

    Good luck
  6. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Sorry ,but I don't know of any .But as the above posts say ,a kennel club is a good place to look .

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