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waiting a little while longer

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by kathy5, Feb 6, 2005.

  1. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    well it looks like I might be waiting a few more months longer befor I get another budgie because until 'm certan of rainbow sex I don't want to get the wrong sex I need even # has anyone seen a bird like my rainbow with a brown colored cere???
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hiya kathy no matter the colouring of a budgie only a female budgie will have or get a brown coloured cere so you can be sure rainbow is definately female.

    Do you have a close up picture of her so i can see her cere properly and i will be able to confirm what i just said also how old is she.

  3. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

  4. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    opps for got to add that I got it in july of last year so I think it puts him?? up to about 7 months of age
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Its confusing as he/she has the colouring of the cere of a very young bird under 6months of age. How long ago was the last molt.

    But i will stand by saying to me he loks like a she.]
    There is another way you can tell if you hold one of your male birds upside down and gently feel near the vent you will notice the bones are close together, In the female there would be a gap to allow the passage of eggs.

    Also if given a nest box if female this will bring her into breeding mode and her cere will turn dark brown do not worry once it starts to turn brown you can remove the nest and she will not lay any eggs providing the nest is removed before it goes very dark brown.

    Also an avian vet can do a DNA test to sex the bird i have provide a link about dna testing and what it entails it also has a contact page so that you can email them direct with any questions you may have.
    Sorry i could not be of more help.


  6. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    thanks I'm going to give it a few more months & see what happens
  7. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    o.k. I just fely my females vent area & my willows vent area
    there is not that much of a space difference that I could feel but if I had to guess I would say male for rainbow

    I have ask some breeder friends of mine will see what they think

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