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If your dog could give you a nickname, what would it be?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I know we ALL have a bunch of nicknames for our dogs and that got me to wondering if those little canine brains have created nicknames for us.
    I am pretty sure my boys have one for me. "Ol' Butt Scratcher"
    After feeding, that does seem to be my main function as far as they are concerned. :D
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: :lol:

    I cant even imagine what mine would call me.... :shock:
  3. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    mine would probably come up with some insult in love, just as i always call them weirdos (because of their little quirks) and dingbats (at those times when i am either getting dragged around the neighborhood by them on their leashes, or when i give them too much freedom and am chasing them down, we are still trying to find the perfect balance with snickers being thrown into the mix.)
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I'm fairly certain the names I've been called during baths, toe nail tirms and ear cleaning wouldn't be printable.

    But there are times when I'm probably 'The Shoulder', as that's where the boy likes to sit and look out the window. I'm probably 'The Heater' when in the midst of a hot flash. But then, that probably turns into one of those unprintable ones when I shoo him away, because I don't need any added heat at the time.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    LOL that's funny...

    "Tough Gal" is what the Boerboels would be calling me...and... "momma" I'm sure...

    The Pit Bulls... "Twit"?
  6. someday

    someday New Member

    oh...i'm sure Annie refers to me as the "treat dispenser", and a very easily operated one at that. I'm also "rope tugger"
    and Annie's dad is "floor mat"
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Oh yeah dad... Boerboels for dad : Savior

    HJ for Dad is: Twit
    and Monty : Hero...

    HJ thinks Everyone is a twit I'm sure...then again with a nickname like Diva...what else should we expect.
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    How about "servant"? Or "butler"? I would think that it wouldn't be that complimentary though...I feel like they don't think I'm very bright.
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Oh Lordy, Dukesdad! When I first read your post, I thought Ol' Butt Scratcher, you must be talking about your own. Then I had a fond memory of my dear Great Uncle Roy, may he rest in peace. Finally it "clicked" and I thought, you must have meant the dogs' butts.

    All I can say is my dogs just think of me as MOM. They appreciate everything I do for them and they just wuv me.
  10. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I think mine would call me sucker cuz all they have to do is give me the look and they can have what ever they want lol
  11. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member


    They know a smile just makes me melt.

  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    CatWoman...I foster cats and Sadie practically rolls her eyes for every newbie coming in and a sigh of relief when they leave LOL

    that or "keeper of the food"
  13. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    lol loves-da-pits, i thought the exact same thing. I was trying to figure out how giving them food and that all tied together. lol

    Depends on when the situation:
    Taking a bath : unprintable names
    Fetching sticks from the river: hero
    out for a hike: worry-wort (she's always to far from me it seems like)
    dragging her away from something dead: idiot
    On a float: hero
    just out playing around: mom
    on the way to the vet: worry-wort again (i'm always worried she'll be sick)
    when I'm talking to her: idiot
    when i make her leave the fire: dummy
    so i range from hero to unprintable names depending on the mood and situation. lol

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