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MY cat is soo cute!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by meandmycatromeo, Mar 18, 2005.


do you think this cat is being cute?

  1. yes! is SOOO CUTE!

    0 vote(s)
  2. no!!! its gross!

    0 vote(s)
  1. meandmycatromeo

    meandmycatromeo New Member

    my cat is so cute! it has been kneading sence day 1 and is a year old! he is soo cute!
  2. meandmycatromeo

    meandmycatromeo New Member

    aw aw aw! come on!

    please post
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I don't see why kneading should be gross :0011:
    Kyrre does it all the time, he's a big baby :mrgreen:
  4. meandmycatromeo

    meandmycatromeo New Member

    huh? I don't think its...

    no, its a poll. I just put it up there
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I know... I did vote...
  6. luna

    luna New Member

    can we get a picture?
  7. meandmycatromeo

    meandmycatromeo New Member

    when I pick him up he always try's to find a spot to knead with his paws and he pretends to nurse!

    do you think he'll do this his whole life? or do you think he'll grow out of it?

    I don't mind if he keeps doing it because its soo cute!

    luna, I will try my best!
  8. misty

    misty New Member

    I don't see anything gross about kneeding. Almost all of my kittens/cats have done it. TJ doesn't for some reason, but he does the suckling thing...lol!
  9. luna

    luna New Member

    buster is 8 in august and he still hasn't stopped. but then he was dropped off when he wasn't even 6 wks. and we couldn't find the mom so that could have something to do with it.
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Dale kneeds all the time!! But she is super loving cat. My old cat, sacrifice, he I think was taking away from his mom to early, bc as we slpet he would kneed out heads and then suck the roots of our hair, and in the morning our hair would be dreaded up and all nasty. But i don't think kneeding is gross, can be annoying when the nails go deep into my skin, but not gross.
  11. luna

    luna New Member

    not to mention it hurts when you get "nailed" :mrgreen:
  12. TheShyster

    TheShyster New Member

    Ok Ok Ok OK

    WHERE IS THE PICTURE?!?!?!?! :?: :!:
  13. meandmycatromeo

    meandmycatromeo New Member

    theshyster, I do not have a picture right this second.
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    mikey kneads on my stomach...he looks like hes ready to go to la la land when he does it....like...if there was a utopia, that would be it!!

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