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I Need Help Please

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by windwalker, May 30, 2005.

  1. windwalker

    windwalker New Member

    Hello, I am new to this, am looking for help answering a question about my girls...I have three minature dacshunds, and the two youngest just came out of heat about 3 weeks ago...however, their teats are very hard and turning black...does anyone know if this is normal? I am totally lost with this situation...I would sincerely appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on this problem...thanks, Windy[/b][/i]
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Have the had any contact with any male dog at all, Have they escaped and there is a chance they were mated.

    These signs are normal after a heat cycle and usually indicate a pregnacy or a phantom pregnancy.
    Phantom pregnancies are when the dog has been in heat but never be mated, Because of the rise in hormones this tells her brain she is pregnant.
    Some show all the signs of pregnany, From milk production to fear of leaving there imaginary puppies.

    Playing with your girls all the time and giving them things to occupy there minds will take there minds of the phantom pregnancy and will bring it to an end sooner.
    Do not fuss over them and remove all teddies or toys they could resemble as puppies.

    Dacshunds are known for having phantom pregnancies they usually pass in time or if it get to troulblesome you can have the vet look her over and give her a hormone shot. Here in the uk we have a product which can get from the vets which is called Calastop it brings bitches out of a phantom pregnancy.

    If you suspect they could be pregnant have your vet check them over at 3weeks he/sh maybe able to detect the puppies through palpatation of the abdomen, This should only ever be carried out by an Experienced Vet.

    Keep a watchful eye on them as i had one girl that had a phantom and had suspected Pyometra which is life threatening if not treated ASAP.

    I suggest having your girls spayed to stop this happening again as with each heat cycle the risks of ovarian cancer, Pyometra, Mammary tumours, Things like that increases.

  3. windwalker

    windwalker New Member

    Mike, nope the girls have never been around a male dog...however, their mother did have a false pregnancy recently, it was horrible...I catered to her so much, making sure to pick her up and not let her jump, special diet and all that good stuff...well when she was a week over due, I took her to the vet, told him that I had not felt the puppies in a couple of days...he told, "That's good because she is not pregnant" LOL...I could of passed right out...and you are right, they had to give her shots to bring her out of it....thank you so much for responding...I have been very worried about these girls...problem is, I did plan on breeding all three of them on their next heat cycle...long story, but the money would come in handy right now. Thank you so much for answering...you have no idea how relived I am to know this is normal in this breed...Windy
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    are you serious? or a troll? I really can't believe what you said, especially
    I want to hope that that means, the vet bills are expensive and the money saved if you have no vet bills would help you out. And not that the money from selling the puppies would come in handy.
    Mike is like an expert (at least seems to me) on having puppies, and he can tell you that you shouldn't do it for the money (sorry mike if I am putting words in your mouth)
    But I think spaying would be the best way to go, then you wouldn't have to worry about phantom pregnancies, heat cycles alll that jazz. You could have 3 dogs thatlove you more than anything!!
  5. windwalker

    windwalker New Member

    Excuse me, but I am not a troll...and we love our girls very much thank you...however, since my husband has went through open-heart and has some other major medical issues which has forced him into early retirement and there will be no insurance come August...breeding the girls could help with upcoming issues as far as his meds are concerned...they will be over 600.00 per month and without them he will die! ...geez...I really don't think that your post deserves a reply...however, I did say it was a long story...trust me we are very good to our animals...I never thought that I would be attacked on a pet board...sorry that I ever posted, Mike, thanks for your reply, you are very kind...as for the other poster, maybe you should stop judging before you understand the situation...I hope that you are never in this situation...Windy
  6. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Some things you need to ask yourself before you undertake breeding dachshunds:

    Have you had a base line spinal x-ray done at one year of age, followed up by another x-ray a year later to check for changes that would indicate Intervertebral disc disease? This is a genetic condition which can cause severe health problems in any puppies they produce.

    Have you had their eyes checked for genetic disease?

    Have your dogs had a thorough exam by a veterinarian who is familiar with the genetic disorders dachshunds are prone to, and can offer you whatever tests are currently available to screen for them?

    Do you know what brucellosis is? Do you know what it can do to your dogs and their puppies? Do you know how it's transmitted and what you must do to prevent it? Hint: think STD, and there's no vaccination available.

    Do you know what colors you should never cross breed, and why?

    Have you shown your dogs or at the very least had an experienced breeder check them over for correct breed type and soundness? If they aren't sound, or if they have poor type, they shouldn't be bred.

    Are you aware of the pervasive problem of seizure disorders in the breed? If so, are you aware that most dachshunds won't show syptoms of seizure disorders until they are at least 2? Would you be able to recognize a petit mal or focal seizure? How about narcolepsy? Do you know that dogs with seizure disorders should not be bred, as they are often genetic? That means waiting until your dogs are at least 3 years old before breeding them.

    Are you aware that dachshunds, especially miniature dachshunds, are prone to whelping problems and will probably need help to deliver? Do you know what to do if a pup gets "stuck"? Do you know what to do with a pup that isn't breathing? Are you prepared to pay for one or more C-sections? Are you prepared to hand raise puppies if Mom can't or won't care for them?

    What will you do with the puppies you can't sell? What if someone purchases a puppy and can't keep it? Are you prepared to take it back? After all, you produced it, you should take responsibility for it, for life.

    Do you realize that if breeding is done properly, few people break even, much less make a profit? And if you aren't doing the job properly, you shouldn't be breeding. Rather than making a profit, a C-section can put you in the hole by at least a thousand dollars. A dead mother/litter can put you in the hole too.

    There's a whole lot more to breeding dogs than just putting a bitch and dog together and waiting 9 weeks. If you insist on doing it, do it right.
  7. windwalker

    windwalker New Member

    I am so sorry for not explaining earlier that I have bred these breeds of dogs for the past 3 yrs. and that my friend who is also a vet tech and breeder helps out with them is on vacation, and I have not been able to contact her...no this is not my first time breeding...and yes I am fully aware of the problems that they have during whelping...and a c-section only cost 264.00 here...I am aware of how to take care of puppies also...darn did I run into a mess on this board...however, I will make a point not to post again...seems we have a lot of chiefs and not enough indians...is Mike, the only nice person on this board? I sure have gotten attacked enough! By the way thanks for trying to make me look like a complete idiot...but it did not work...I cannot believe that their are adults here acting in this manner...thanks for all the cut downs...I will make sure that I let the other breeders in this area aware of this board...they should be quite entertained by the responses...Windy
  8. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Well pardon me, but I've been breeding and showing dachshunds for over 20 years, and in your previous post you gave no information whatsoever about any experience. In fact, seeing as you seem to be unaware that false pregnancy is not only prevelant but normal; all bitches go through some form of false pregnancy if they are not bred when they are in season; it doesn't sound like you know enough about canine reproduction to even concider breeding a litter, much less three.

    I did not attack you, by the way. I asked legitamate questions, as you gave us no indication if you have a clue what you're doing or not. Your general tone gives one the impression that you're a back yard breeder. Those of us who are breeding to improve the quality of the breed seldom breed three bitches in a year. Usually we breed one litter after carefully pouring over pedigrees and spending a great deal of money on health testing prior to breeding. And we don't make money on the deal, either.

    I also notice you really didn't answer any of the important questions asked, either. Do you health test? Have you had radiographs taken of their spines? Are your dogs at least 3 years old and free of seizure disorders? Do you have a plan to care for any puppies you can't sell, and are you willing to take responsibility for all of them for their natural life if necessary?

    There are thousands of dogs and cats killed in shelters every day in the U.S. If you aren't breeding to improve the breed, if you're only reason to breed is to supplement your income, please do everyone a favor and stop! The animals are the ones paying the ultimate price.
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Oh heavens! Please! :x I'm not going to answer for Mike, but I want to say I think he was just being nice. I have read/seen him pounce on irresponsible breeders before. And very well deserved pounces at that.

    That being said, I am owned by two backyard bred mini-dachshunds who have the whole list of geneticly transmitted problems. I love them to death, and I'm sure you love your girls. But it tears me up everytime I see a litter for sale...knowing what those puppies might go through. I have held mine as they screamed in pain with disc pain. I have slept on the floor with them as the shuddered and cried with neck pain. I have rushed them to the vet's as they had an anaphylactic reaction to their vaccines. All of these dachshunds are prone to.

    And no, we don't know your whole story. But you came here asking a question a true breeder should know.

    You said you weren't coming back here, but if you do--just know that we are nice people that are just looking out for our pets and other people's pets.

    AND bill paying is a heck of alot of pressure to put on little weenie dogs.
  10. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    I hate to tell you, but any pet message board that you go to will "attack" you if you announce that you're going to breed THREE bitches which haven't been health tested for the money the pups will bring you.

    And as others have pointed out in the thread, you apparently don't have the right information to even know when common problems are happening with your dogs.

    Reputable breeders have all of their animals health certified, show them to become champions, require spay/neuter contracts for their pet quality animals, and never have more than one litter at the time. In fact, reputable breeders rarely make money. So if you're breeding to make money, I can almost guarantee that you're not doing it right.
  11. windwalker

    windwalker New Member

    Reputable breeders have all of their animals health certified, show them to become champions, require spay/neuter contracts for their pet quality animals, and never have more than one litter at the time. In fact, reputable breeders rarely make money. So if you're breeding to make money, I can almost guarantee that you're not doing it right.

    You all must have a hard time comprehending what is written on this board...first thing, I must say that anyone that breeds, and does not accept money for their pups is a darn liar, or just plain stupid!...do you all just give your pups away? Dang if that is the case, then I must say that someone has a few loose screws! Second, to the person that suggested I was going to use the money to pay bills, where in any of my writings does it say that?...it is for MEDICINE so that my husband does not DIE! Please, do not read more into this than what is written...Next...My Bitches are health certified, ...or at least that is what I think the vet did 2 months ago! If not he sure as heck charged me an arm and a leg for nothing. And did give the go ahead for breeding them...on top of that he has also checked the males...do you all need proof? Went over all the bloodlines to ensure quality pups. My friend helped in this process, since she has been a top breeder for years. Next...where did I mention that I was going to breed these Bitches all at the same time? I did say that I was planning on breeding them during their next cycle...however, they do not all go into their cycles at the same time...and even if they did, what is the big deal if there is enough responsible adults to take care of them...and provide everything that is needed...as for show dogs...lol...I prefer to have my girls keep their spirits, my father showed dogs for years, and personally, I think it is a disgrace...how would you like me to put you on display for the world to judge...maybe that is the difference between me and others, my dogs are for companionship not for someone to boast about what they have...dogs are not anyone's property, they should keep their dignity also! As for the girls, I bottle fed them for two weeks, and took total care of them, my female was ill after the c-section and I had enough respect for her to let her mend before she had to care for the little ones...of course people begged me to sell the girls to them, however, I was too attached. The same people have also begged me to breed the girls so that they could have the same precious babes that I have, these girls are absolutely wonderful...I am not worried about them being show dogs...lol...that is the least of my worries, and I would never crate a dog! Crating is so inhumane... I will leave that up to more closed minded folks that just need to have bragging rights! However, I will not be giving breeding rights because, I fear that since these babes will be in homes in this vicinity there might be inter-breeding and I would never want that...I am not wanting to be mean or nasty, just honest. I know none of you, and you do not know me...otherwise, I think that you would not be so ill towards me...I have taken every stray in the town in and found wonderful homes for them...I have rescued animals most of my life...and will continue to do so....I am sorry if I have hurt anyones feelings, but I do not proclaim to know it all...I have a friend that helps me in that department...and she should be home tonight. Best of luck with your animals and thanks for enlightening me about pet boards, I have definately learned my lesson and I am sorry that I have caused any emotional turmoil for anyone...Windy
  12. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I think everyone needs to calm down a little.

    I can see everyones point of view on this subject and i agree not much info was given but there is no need to jump on her like that.

    I can also say as a breeder when i let my girls have a litter once they are sold to there new homes the money goes back into my dogs plus there vet bills.

    Vet bills, Food, Vaccinations, Wormers, Health checks and so on does cost alot.
    As i have always said and i know from experience a true breeder very rarely makes even when breeding.

    Sounds to me that you have taken all the correct steps, I do not breed for money or because people are wanting one of my girls to have puppies so they can have a sweet natured dog like mine.

    I have had my girls spayed now since there was a scare with one of my girls having suspected Pyometra.

    I believe if someone wants a puppy or a dog badly enough they would go to and animal shelter and adopt one from there, Shelters are always full of abandoned dogs and puppies desperatly seeking a loving caring home.

    The choice is yours to breed your girls but i would say please don't since you hand to bottle feed for 2 weeks because of there mother having a C-Section chances are it will happen again with your other girls.

    Breeding problems are hereditry and will most likely be passed onto any dams of the litter.
    I would not want to take the risk of the same thing happen to my other girls or worst case scenario they die during the pregnancy or the birth.

    As you said your girls are a companion best thing to do is keep them this way.
    A pregnancy brings out a dogs true nature they can either stay sweet and loving or the can turn nasty and this is then passed onto there litter.

    Again your choice but i advise against it.

  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I think Ive made my views clear on breeding dogs in previous threads so Im not going to get on that....but I do have to say something...I think its really sad that anyone should have to breed and sell dogs just to make enough money for potentially life saving drugs for a loved one.
    Arent there any other avenues you could go? Even if you do this I cant imagine that the money would last for more than a couple of months supply, does your husband not qualify for some kind of disability or even welfare assisted prescriptions? I had no health benefits for a few years, neither did my daughter, at a job I had a few years back they didnt have any benefits, I made too much to qualify for Medi-Cal and not nearly enough to pay for private...I have asthma and the drugs I need cost a small fortune, its led to pneumonia a couple of times because I couldnt get the right drugs earlier on (I have 2 serious bouts of asthma almost every year). Its so stressful when you know theres a medical problem but you cant aford the drugs to take care of it. I dont even want to think about the lengths I might have gone to to get the money needed had it been my daughter that needed the medical care and not myself.
    I hope your husband is okay.
  14. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    The point was not that good breeders give all their dogs away, but that it is an expensive process when done properly, and generally all their money goes back into the puppies.

    *laughs* I'm sure my dog would agree with you! She'd much rather run around the house at night bothering the cat and destroying all our personal possessions. But I'm sure she really feels abused with her crate full of toys. *glances at dog, who's sleeping on her back with all her legs splayed out* I can tell she feels really insecure in there. :p

    I'm sorry you're put into the position where you have to breed your dogs to pay for your husband's medication. But, usually, if I have more than one person telling me the same thing, it turns out to be good advice.
  15. windwalker

    windwalker New Member

    Thank you all for the sincere replies, I do feel like you all are sincere and looking out for the best interest of the dogs...now you all have me wondering just what the heck I should do...let me explain, My husband was a System Engineer for A Cellular Company, he made excellent money, at 3 am in the morning I found him in the bathroom suffering from his first heart attack...he would not let me call an ambulance and went back to work the following day, he struggled so hard not to go to the doctor, but he had to, they made me take him to the hospital, where he he experienced another one going through the door...(men can be so stubborn)...well, they had to do open-heart and do 5 by-passes...we must remember also, that he is an insulin dependent diabetic, and has been exposed to asbestos, which he should have been off work for at least 6 weeks, but went back to work in 3 in order to keep the household going...15 months later, my daughter who is an RN called and said, "Dad cannot talk plain, I think he is in trouble again" I rushed to his office to find him in distress, and took him to the closest hosptial, they transported him out to a major hospital, where the doctors found that 89% of the right coronary artery was blocked and they had to put stints in...this time the doctors refused to let him go back to work...So he applied for Disablitlity Social Security...and got it in 3 months, however, the medical care would not kick in for 24 months...and we have been paying 536.00 per month for Cobra insurance which runs out in August...We have went to every resource we could think of to try and get help when this occurs, and do NOT qualify for anything...they say that there is too much income in the home for them to help us...yeah right! My husband made 70,000.00 a year and is now making around 24,000.00 per year...that is a drastic change in monies coming in...these people expect us to not pay our house payment which we only owe 10 yrs. on...and forget about taxes, which he will get a break next year, his medical coverage should kick in around March of 2006...but until then we are in trouble...his meds will cost at least 600.00 per month and that is cutting back to what is absolutely necessary to help him live, it does not include any pain meds or oxygen that he is on nightly...he has neuropathy from the diabetis...it does not include doctors visits...or if he has to go into the hospital...trust me the system is not what most people think that it is...in the mean time, the children still at home, have taken on jobs to help...Jen is 16 and Jason is 15...Jen, is working at a fast food restaraunt and Jason is picking up small side jobs, because of his age...I have begged them to let me go back to work, but have medical issues myself, being lupus and rheumitoid arthritis, and preparing for a complete hyterectomy in about 2 weeks...of course I do qualify for Social Security, however cannot get it, because of the income my husband has coming in the house...they told us that the only way that I would get Social Security is if we were not together...and trust me we have thought about divorce...folks, I have no clue why I would tell you all this, but I do feel that you all are owed an explanation...now even breeding the girls to suffice for meds until the insurance kicks in seems not to be a good solution...of course I must say, that the only reason we bred Sissy, the mother...was so that we would have her offspring if something would happen to her...she was 3 before we bred her, and now she is almost 5 and a half, so she is probably too old to even consider breeding again, without risking her health, you all are right I don't think we should consider doing it...as for the girls, heck I am so attached to them it is almost sickening to think that I would harm either letting them breed, something else I would not forgive myself for...sometimes life does not seem very fair...but yet you have to live it...thanks for the replies and again I am sorry if I hurt any of your feelings, oh I still don't like crating animals...but I guess if you have problem children sometimes it is necessary, mine have never destroyed anything...so I let them have free run of the house...heck they have free run of everything, along with the cat, iguana and birds...including our hearts, guess we will just take one day at a time and see what happens, thanks for understanding and if any of you see a way around this please let me know ...Windy
  16. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I wish you the very best and I really hope something turns up for you to help your family out....

    I just remembered...I dont know if this was something just available in California but a while before I left there was something about a 'prescription card' you had to pay for that but it got you reduced prices on meds...Ill see if I can find some info on it ...I cant even remember what it was called now... :?
  17. windwalker

    windwalker New Member

    Lil, I cannot e-mail you back...for some reason it keeps giving me an error...will you please e-mail me at winds_walkers@msn.com thanks, for the suggestions, your a real sweetheart...Windy
  18. windwalker

    windwalker New Member

    That would be much appreciated Delauk, we have looked into some of the prescription discount cards and most of them do not pay for the meds that are required...but please if you can it would be appreciated...thanks, Windy
  19. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Windy, just a couple of suggestions for dealing with the medication expenses. I too suffer from multiple health problems, and my medications run well over $1,500 a month. Just one 'script alone would cost me $600 if I didn't recieve it free from the drug manufacturer. And that would be my suggestion to you.

    Most major drug manufacturers do have programs available for drugs that are necessary to sustain life either free or at a greatly reduced price for those people who don't have insurance coverage. If your doctor's office or pharmacy doesn't have the forms or information available, check with your local library, welfare department or clinic.

    Another option is to have a heart to heart talk with his doctors. They have a lot of sample packages of drugs laying around that might be made available to you at no cost. That's how I get one of my diabetes meds that would otherwise cost me $189 a month. And I recently got $300 worth of antibiotics in free samples from the doctor who treated me for pneumonia.

    And for the diabetic neuropathy; has he tried a capsacin (sp?) cream? If not, I'd give it a try. It's inexpensive, available without a perscription, and works well for a lot of diabetics. I used it myself with great success until I developed an allergy to it.
  20. windwalker

    windwalker New Member

    Shine, thanks for the information, I will definately look into that, however, we are no longer able to afford the expenses to get to his endocrynologist, because of the distance and the gas money and tolls to get there...so he has been seeing a local physician...would you by chance have an address to the place that gives you the diabetic meds...maybe I can ask for an application...and he has used the cream...however, I am afraid, he is getting ready to loose one of his legs, right now they have him on synthetic morophine, which is extremely expensive...this he will have to do without because it is about 196.00 for 30 pills and is not included in the 600.00 for meds to keep him alive...I have even thought about writing our congressmen and the governor...thanks for all the help hon..hope that you have the addresses...you all have been extremely nice and I do thank you for that...sometimes I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders...and then kind people like yourself and others walk in to help me out....there had to be a reason for me to post here in the first place...maybe this is it...again, thanks...Windy

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