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Why does my dog drool so much?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    We got our dog about 4 months ago- and she was 5 months old.
    We use to put her in her crate and she would drool like you wouldn't believe. She gets so upset being in there- that she nibbles her paws...but she drools pools of water- her chest & legs are soaked!!!! :( I mean really really soaked!! :( Last night she was bothering us at dinner and she was chasing my cat all around and nipping my mom's sweatshirt--so I put her in her crate for about 10 minutes to calm her down. She was soaked soaked, soaked!!!! :!: Why does she do this? And, will it ever stop?? :?:
    PLease write back if you have any info...
    Thanks!! :y_the_best:
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If its only happening in her crate (or when left alone) then its an anxiety problem. There are quite a few different things you can do to try and at least diminsih it or even eliminate it. I read through this web-page, good tips on it.

  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The drool is a stress/fear reaction. You need to re-introduce the crate properly if you want to be able to use it. It could be that she would accept an ex-pen easier than a crate if you just need to confine her for something like dinner.

    To re-introduce the crate, you have to make it a "fun" place to be. Usually you start by feeding in the crate. Leaving the door open, you put the food in and let her go in and eat it and leave. At other times of the day, toss treats in but still leave the door open. Gradually work up to where you can close the door while she eats but open it immediately. Gradually increase the amount of time the door stays closed, but sit right next to her and feed her through the bars. Start with just a couple seconds with the door closed and work up very slowly from there. When she will accept the door being closed, you move on to leaving the room. First just close the door and walk away and come right back, never leaving her sight. Work up to leaving the room for a couple seconds, and so on.

    It can be a really long process, especially when she already has such negative experiences with the crate.

    Whole Dog Journal had a very good article on crates a month or so ago, if you go and look in their archives.
  4. boditosabear

    boditosabear New Member

    what kind of dog do you have?
  5. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    A 7month old, Female, Yellow Lab/Pointer Mix.....
  6. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    The dog might need a different punishment. The dog is taking the crate different. You might want to research another punishment for your dog. And for as young as she is i dont know if she would be teething. And if it only happenes in the crate then it doesnt make since. The dog is taking it to hard. I recomend(sp?) trying something else! 8)


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