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Are my fry ready to move one?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by tina1, May 6, 2004.

  1. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    Ooops, sorry they are guppy fry. They yellowish gold ones are really cool looking. I wonder if they'll be albinos or something lol! I actually have no idea who the fathers are so it'll be exciting as I have two male lyre tails as possibilities.

    Kristina, my plants in the photo from left to right: Lily (from a package of wal mart bulbs, very nice plant), bunch of floating hornwort (that I HATE, I only put it in when I have fry because they can eat it), ludwigia repens- that's the one in the middle with the red undersides on the leaves. I also have an amazon sword in the back that is quite small, and a banana plant and anubias nana attached to some driftwood. If your looking for plants, try www.aquaticplantdepot.com they're plants are really really cheap. And the ones I get from them are always in really good condition and I always get them within three days from the time of my order.

    Here's pic of an amazon sword, banana plant, and lily in my ten gallon tank.


    I also thought it would be fun to show off my parents since they were showing off A LOT of mating behavior today (spring is in the air I guess lol!)

    Here's my red male that fathered my oldest batch of fry chasing my yellow female along with my other reddish male:


    Reddish male being VERY interested in yellow female:


    Pic of two males and two females:


    Bluish lyre tail doing his shimmy in front of my purple female and yellow and blue female:


    The popular purple female (the hot chick ) getting attention from both lyre tails:


    Poor yellow female getting all the attention:


    And a pic of my first batch of fry who are now teenagers. As typical teenagers they have started displaying mating behavior only the poor girls (their sister, scandelous!) are NOT interested yet. The blue blurred one in front is the romeo of the group so far. He loves the ladies!


    And finally...my killies! Just to spice things up!


    Well, I hope you guys found this post moderately entertaining. The tank my adults are in is in a sad state right now as I'm trying to decide how I want to redecorate so please disregard the floating plants, exposed heater and water spots on the glass.

    Thanks for looking and if anyone else would like to show off some of their fishy pics I'd love to seem them!
  2. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    WOW they are bootyful. lol. my fry are 4 days old and the others are about 11 hours old :eek:
  3. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    Wow what great pictures. I think your tank look GREAT!!!


    I am thinking of getting a yellow tailed female this weekend so I can have some more colorful fry. But do you think she will eat my 8 week old fry??? I am a bit worred about that. And if she wouln't I am woundering if I need to get a male that is her size??
    I think my 8 week old male is matting with all his sitster (BAD BOY). He has so many to choose from you know. (I know you guys are saying what a lucky guy with 25 sisters, but only 12 of his sisters are with him in this tank.

    I hope my 9 fry that were the born on April 26th or the 2, that must have survived, and were born on May 10th (I think); will have more males and will be very colorful. I NEED COLOR---------LOOKING FOR COLOR. Can anyone say color?????? OK I will stop crying now. But I would love to see some with some bright color. One of my newest babies born on April 26th has a black tail (I hope it stayes that way) I had one before that seemed to be black but I can not see any with black now.

    Anyways great pics as always. Love your fish they are very nice.

    Gongrats OneWolfsDream on your new fry.
  4. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    I bet she wouldn't eat the 8 week old fry, they'd be too big for her. My lfs has this one female that is long finned like the males. She is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty. Half her tail is yellow and the other half is blue and all here other fins are long and pointy. So pretty!!!! And she's been there over a month!! I want her!!!!!!!!

    Don't worry your colors will come. If you are going to get another female to try breeding get the largest you can find as I researched and found out the females can't actually become pregnant until three months of age. The ones my lfs sells are much smaller than that. But that doesn't bother me because I like to watch them grow and I've never actually set out to breed them, it just happens :)

    Hope you find a good one!!!!
  5. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    Thanks, I was woundering about how long before they can get preganent. Because my male is working hard. I guess i will find out soon enough.

  6. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    Thanks, I was woundering about how long before they can get preganent. Because my male is working hard. I guess i will find out soon enough.

  7. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    I am not sure why that posted twice? SORRY!!
  8. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    40 days after the birth she will be ready again, i have the same thing my male is already at it.
  9. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    OneWolfsDream: I was saying that I was unsure of how long it took before fry could get pregant and have fry also.

    My mother has given birth about 5 weeks apart, and now it has been 3 weeks and I think she is almost ready again. We will have to wait and see. I will let you know if anything happens.
  10. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    I can not believe it she had 7 more on May 21st :eek: :eek: (sorry so late in posting the news but I have been soooo busy). Ok this makes 3 batches and I still have not gotten a new male yet. I want to wait and see how many set of fry she can have. It is strange because the numbers are droping. First 26 then 9 now 7. who knows maybe 5 next time. Plus I have the 2 from my smaller mom.

    So I have a lot of fry now. The olderst are sooo big now and I finnaly have another male from the second set of fry. (I keep all the fry away from the mother(s)- I keep them in the breader as long as possible then they join their bothers and sisters and their two cousons. They seem to be getting along fine, but they want to eat all day long. I am having to learn how much to give them each time we have more mouths to feed.

    Anyways I am still :eek: every time I see any of them.

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