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Bailey Would Love Your Vote!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MonsterBailey, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    awww thanks rene! How are those babies?? (Have you sold 'em? I have a friend who is looking for a female yorkie!!)

    Bailey is actually doing "okay".... He had been doing really well, up until yesterday when I came home to two piles of vomit... He is still on his meds (antibiotics and anti nauseating), and still on the bland diet of rice/cottage cheese/chicken -- so, he "should have" been fine. So back to the vet, we went..... well, just me....luckily, they are right across the street from my work. I mentioned to her that the hospital vet put him on amoxicillin and I was worried about that since the paperwork mentioned that amoxicillin can give diarrhea/vomiting. I know that *I* can't take that stuff... i'ts too rough on me. So, the vet said to stop his antibiotics and to even stop giving him rice, since that can be an irritant too. Man, oh man.... we just can't seem to get over this stuff, huh? My poor baby.... but so far, he's great.... She put him on this prescription dog food that's called "a/d".... he's looooooving it. SO, so far, so good.
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    a/d is great for the stomache and will help him alot ...Have they ever found what his real problem was ...if a virus ,he should be showing some sign of gettting better by now ...
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    That's the same stuff they gave him in the hospital too.,..... they said he went crazy for it (I would too after not eating for almost FIVE DAYS!!!)..... but personally, it "STANKS".... lol...

    He was actually doing better... hadn't thrown up since Saturday morning. Funny thing is, through out this ENTIRE THING, he's acted FINE! He's been very bright, upbeat and his regular self. The only time he even acted sick was when I brought him home from the hospital and he was soooo exhausted. The vet was amazed at how spunky he was. I think she fell in love with him :)

    It was officially "pancreatitis".... what caused the inflammed pancreas, is an official "who knows" ... but we're assuming it was the pigs ear. The thing is I had just bought a new bag of them for him (since he rarely gets them) over the weekend, so I bet it was just a bad 'batch'.... and the fact that he ate it HARD and FAST (which is unusual for him)... and then starting throwing up the next day.... seems like that's the culprit. I guess I'll never know for sure.....
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    sometimes i wish they could talk to tell us what is wrong so we dont have to guess. The babies are doing great opened their eyes yesterday ssssssoooo cute.

    NO MORE PIG EARS FOR BAILEY glad he is doing better and of course the vet fell in love with him he is such a doll
  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    ps i forgot voted again he is doing great still
  6. Valmar

    Valmar New Member


    Voted for Bailey!!!!!
  7. juliestroup

    juliestroup New Member

    :y_the_best: Voted today!
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Thanks for the votes, Val and Julie!!!.... :kiss_heart:

    Bailey licks... i mean, THANKS EVERYONE!! :love_y_t_much:

  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I am such a slaker sometimes! Voted today and he is WAAAAAY up there so go pencil legs!
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Bailey's shootin for poos r cool world record I think. They should give him something extra special for having th most vote ever.
  11. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Nope ,a schnoodle has that record ! ...bailey is not even close ...Sorry !
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Really what was the end score?
  13. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Can't remember exactly but was over 800
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: OMG thats amazing. Ok BAiley maybe can get second place for that.
  15. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    That's okay, Bailey doesn't need to win "most" votes...

    He just wants to win for November.... (and to feel better)
  16. MicroMuttMom

    MicroMuttMom New Member

    Bailey's got my vote -- what a teddy bear!

  17. Rene

    Rene New Member

    New page new link voted again :lol:
  18. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    you guys are so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Is it two or three days. Wow, he's doing great. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  20. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    just two more days of voting!!!

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