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bald patches

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jules, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Jules

    Jules New Member

    My little Leela has aquired some little hairless patches on her little body. There are about 4-5 and they are approx the size of fingernails, some a little bigger, some quite small. Is this a problem? I don't know if she is just being a typical puppy and biting herself and pulling chunks of hair out, or being bitten by mozzies. (Chews her legs and stuff lol). She is going to the vet soon to be desexed so I'll ask about this then- I was just wondering if anyone knew what this could be from?

    PS I just found a really cool off leash doggy beach to play at today- me and the dogs had a ball! They loved splashing around in the water and sniffing different smells. They have never been to a beach before! Bender even found himself a dead fish to roll in! Ahhhh dog heaven!
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    sounds like it could be a flea problem and she is dchewing and biting. I would have that checked first, then go from there, maybe mange or a food allergy

  3. Nik

    Nik New Member

    I'd guess at a flea allergy too. When does she get spayed, cause if it is fleas it'll get much worse very fast. She could have a bald bum in a week if she's left to nibble at it :(
    Also, she may need antibiotics to clear it up before she can have surgery.
    Hope she's ok again soon.
  4. AC from TO

    AC from TO New Member

    Could be a flea allergy....but I'd be more likely to say mange. You may want to have her seen prior to her spay. Being put under for a surgery can effect how bad the mange gets. PM me if you have any ??
  5. Jules

    Jules New Member

    What is mange? What causes it? I'm sure it's not fleas because I haven't seen ANY. Both my dogs are inside all the time and I'm always checking them out and playing with them all day- and I haven't seen one flea.
  6. AC from TO

    AC from TO New Member

    Wrote you a PM back, if it is demodex, it is not contageous to your other dog either.

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