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biiiig news with our rotty charikiee!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by nakoma_star, Jan 1, 2005.

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  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Your kidding right?? Money!!! Do you honestly thing breeders make extra money??

    Hell, I came out $12 ahead on my last litter....Wahooo!!! Let me break something down for you, Perhaps then, and thats a big IF you'll understand....

    It took me 5 years to find my male, another 2 of testing him, raising him, and searching for an appropriate female.....then it took me another year and a half....to even consider breeding them....
    I worked them, I trained them, I tested them and over all it cost me roughly $2800.
    When I decided to breed them. I was home the whole heat cycle. They were not together alone, NOT FOR ONE SECOND. When they "locked up" I recorded it. They were separated, the next day they were put together, if they mated again, it was recorded, if not...I waited 10 days. Had them blood tested for pregnancy, Ultra sounded, sonogramed....if positive, they were on a new diet.....

    In all the breeding ALONE cost at least $350.
    Thats before the puppies were born.

    When the bitch whelps, I give her 3 hours. Then the vet visits, checks all out, and momma to make sure nothings wrong, no unborn puppies or stillborns....

    When the pups are 1 week, he visits again...at 4 weeks they all go in for shots and wormins. Momma is checked again..

    6 weeks again...then we start training..

    In all it costs me well over $1500 just to have the puppies...then I sell them to QUALIFIED homes ONLY.

    I screen, I screen heavily...you think Sara is picky, just try dealing with me....I know her friend and we're just about on the same wave lenght. If a pup is not suitable for breeding, its culled. No ifs ands or butts about it...

    SO you think your gonna make money eh? Well, let me know how it turns out. In your case, its not. I hope to God nothing goes wrong. But I have a feeling your pups won't get 1st class health care, attention, or go to the best of homes....
  2. Angie

    Angie New Member

    It has to be a lie.
    If they need money now, then they obviously don't have the money to get the pups to the vet and everything else Sam said. I seriously dout that any of the dogs have been or will go to the vet.
  3. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    "For your information...anyone's really.... I chose to breed Boerboels because they are RARE, on the verge of becoming extinct in terms of working ability"

    Yeah same here only with Chinooks
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    And thats a great reason to breed. IF the dogs are the best of the breed. I 'm a firm believer that breed the best and the best is what you'll get.

    So Nakoma, as others have stated, Don't let the door hit you on the wayout.
  5. rottweiler_inc

    rottweiler_inc New Member

    no that is not the only reason she is being flippin bred another reason would be because she is of championship bloodlines and her pups would make fine show dogs, we most likely will end up keeping one ourselves!
  6. rottweiler_inc

    rottweiler_inc New Member

    I would really just like it if this subject was dropped, I have not been able to explain everything perfectly, I am not good at explaining things so I guess I shouldve just said that she might be preg. and not have even mentioned anything else, sometimes I tend to get myself into more then I bargin for, I never ment for all of this nor did I mean for the big missunderstanding, im sorry, she is being breed not only for the money the pups can bring in but she is being bred for good family pets, show dogs, and even gaurd dogs, that can make someone happy, rotts are very loyal and I know many people that would love to have one, but not everyone is ment for them, I was talking to a friend today, and ended up having to call animal control on her and her brother which pained me, I never thought that I would have to do this to one of my friends but they were fighting rottweilers..........this is my main reason for coming back. The big things with rotts is there can be alot of problems and alot of things can go wrong, and I understand this, as for if something goes wrong and me having to take care of the pups 24/7 i have taken care of orphined pups and kittens before and know how to go about everything, I am hoping that she is pregnate because I really want to get a pup to train for shows and only shows, there are a couple of things that charikiee would be marked down for, beings why she is not a show dog, she is a family pet and gaurd dog, one of the most beautiful most wonderful dogs youll ever meet, once you have made friends you have a friend for life, I didn't mean to cause so much trouble really, I am sorry for any missunderstandings or anything that has come from this and I hope you can all forgive me!

    Sincerely, Jade
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    guard dogs??? you are going to sell the pups as guard dogs??? jesus.
  8. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    thats what im saying :|
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Please get with someone like Sara to make sure your screening process for homes for the pups is as good as it can possibly be.
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Rotts are big family pups. If your bitch isn't goodenough to show, She's not good enough to breed for show quailty puppies. Her faults along with the males, will pass on to the pups.

    I know we were harsh, but you have to admit, you weren't the easiest to deal with either.

    Honestly, your going to spend more than what you think you are. And when you finally tally up what you made off the pups, you'll see that you didn't make much if any at all.

    I can be harsh on this subject. Reason being. People like Me, Sara, Mike (Charmedagain), and others spent YEARS perfecting our breeds, speening litterally thousands of dollars if not tens of thousands....
    We all fight for animal welfare (to one extent or another). And Rotts aren't all that rare. They are a flourisihing breed, with MAJOR faults, hip and eye problems. Our Rott has many of these faults and health problems, caused from someone who has a dog and said "oooh Championship bloodlines, and pretty dogs!! Lets breed!!"

    Goose has eye problems, and SERIOUS skin allergy (that is becoming more of a problem in rotts) hip displaciya (mild but still there), spred toes, and an enlarged heart....

    When it's time for the puppies to dcome, I'll be here. There's nothing we can do now but hope for the best. SO good luck.
  11. rottweiler_inc

    rottweiler_inc New Member

    the only reason she would be marked down in a show is because of the fact that when her dew claws where clipped mike forgot one of them, im quite sure she would be marked down for that.and about the gaurd dog thing , I mean family protection, as in protecting there property, we will be checking the backgrounds of every person a puppy goes to, if we see or hear anything suspicious they wont get the puppy, I am hoping for the best and really wanting to see her have some pups, like I said before my apoligies for everything, I should have taken the time to explain things alot better or not have opened my mouth at all, and yes it does cost alot to breed the dogs I know this, everything has been taken care of and we have been watching her good since she was with the male, and she will be going to the vet to check everything out in a couple of days which is the fastest I can do, because the vets booked until then, so well see .
  12. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi well like sam says we are here if she is indeed pregnant and you need advice...

    Around 20-30days after the first mating the vet maybe able to feel the tiny marble sized feotal units but since this is the time they are at a critical stage its best if possible to wait until around 35days and have an ultrasound scan done this will help determine the numbr of puppies aswell as any signs of reabsorbtion.

    Around 28-37days a blood test can be done to measure the amount of plasma protien is in her blood but this can give a false positive result if she has an infection.

    X-rays should not be done until 45days or later but it is advised against this being done ....

    All we can do is hope all goes well for the dam and that she has an easy pregnancy and whelps ok....

    I have a list of things you should have in ready for the birth if you would like me to send you it...

  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i think you have explained things enough. stop making excuses and changing the story when people question you. 'oops i mean dew claws, oops i mean family protection, oops i mean we are watching her, oops i mean we arent breeding her for money, oops i meant im not the one breeding her, oops i mean they are not aggressive at all, oops i mean we know their history now!'. questionable, indeed. for crying out loud just take everyones advice, PLEASE.
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Okay, let's cut her some slack and give her a chance. She's a teenager so she's not the one making the decisions in her family, nor is she necessarily completely in the know about what has been done or will be done. Let's give her a chance. If her parents are doing something stupid, it's not her fault.
  15. rottweiler_inc

    rottweiler_inc New Member

    your right I dont make the choices, and sorry for everyone but im not changing my story im noting things, you know, I was excited about things when my step dad talked about breeding her , but now everyone has me down in the dumps, its there dog and yet im the one that takes care of her most likely Ill be the one with her when she gives birth.....breeding and raising rotties has been a big dream for me and it seems like its all coming together, maybe everything isnt comming together right or perfect but its coming together, I have been doing alot of reading and stuff also so, anyhow...............lata

    If anyone would like to email me anything that might help out my email address is deadlyembrace.com@gmail.com
  16. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    =; sorry but teenagers have a say in most households and she is clearly excited about the breeding. im not tolerating the immaturity she has shown the auspet members.
  17. Sara

    Sara New Member

    If being tolerant helps to make her a better person and helps to get the pups that may be on the way into a better home I'm all for it... BUT make no mistake I don't BELEIVE in what was done... I will say for sure though...if she ever has questions about screening or how to go about selling or even showing her Rotts I'm all ears... I won't be contacting you directly though because I feel you need to formulate your own questions rather than me or other experienced folks leading you on your way. Please don't take this as a statement where I condone or even forgive what was done by you or your family... BUT I'll help you learn the best way to go about breeding dogs if you prefer... HOWEVER this oops better be the last one in your quest to follow that dream of yours... I had my own "oops" in my THOUGHTs to breed the Pits...never did it and I'm HUGELY thankfull for that.

    It seems your on your own in this all and in your quest to breed for yourself so you do need help but you have to be willing to deal with the harsh realities of what responsible breeding entails... There's a lot more to it than putting male and female together and wating for cute little ones to make their entrances...and homing/selling them is a whole different ballgame as well... I do hope to hear from you...at least to help you sell/home your rott puppies should they be on the way.
  18. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    I'm sorry but making money is not what it is all about. If yopu want to make money get a job. You need to better the breed. My daughter has a rottie now 10 years old. their are days that it can't even get up cause of arthsis and hip problems. I would bet you have no ideal in 5 generations if any of the dogs has hip problems. That's just for a start. People who just throw two dogs together are asking for problems. If the female fights the male after tying He can rip her or she can ruin him from being a good stud dog. also she has to be in heat 5 days before she will even begin to stand for a male. and some females are picky about their males. also you bred one day, keep them apart the next and breed the next you do this for 3 days. not the whole heat cycle. the fifteenth day being the best day to breed. I'm sorry but It's people like you that makes people like me look bad when it comes to breeding and i'm very picky. I will take any of my pups back. i have a year health genetic contract. I skip heat cycles, I'm picky about who gets my babies. and trust me when the bills are paid i don't make money.
  19. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    You STILL have not answered the other posters about all the screening both dogs need. You said the vet would "check her out," but I saw nothing mentioned about x-rays, eye checks, bloodwork, and all the other testing Rotts need before you even DREAM about breeding. No vet can tell you what risks she has, or what conditions she has just by looking at her. If you think that a vet checking her over in an office visit is a bill of perfect heatlh, you are very, very wrong.

    Also, do you have any idea how much work a litter of 6-12 pups is? Its CONSTANT cleaning up - it never stops. Its a 24/7 job. By the time they are walking, there will be all kinds of chaos. And they have to be kept indoors (not outdoors in the cold) which means you'll have more poop and pee than you've ever seen in your life! And on no schedule - pups go many, many times a day. And what about all the whining? Are you prepared to lose LOTS of sleep? And that's only a very small part of it. The puppies' vaccinations alone when they are old enough will be very expensive. Then you'll need to have fecal exams for parasites, and then wormings too. I could go on and on. Breeding dogs is a tremendous amount of work and strain on you. Can you do it? A lot of people can't. A litter of Rotts will eat you out of house and home. The pups easily go thru six cups of dry food a day PER PUPPY, and have to be fed three times a day. Do you know how expensive just the food alone will be? It sounds so wonderful and exciting to get "into breeding dogs," but the reality is very different. I just hope you know what you are getting into, and that you aren't going to be bringing pups into the world who will suffer with health problems.
  20. rottweiler_inc

    rottweiler_inc New Member

    I am just going to say that I have dropped the subject, and sorry about anyones luck no I DO NOT have any say in what happens in this household my parents think they control me competely and I have no say in ANYTHING the only things I have say in is my cats and MY dog angel, yes charikiee is a family pet but my parents bought her, not me, I have absolutely no say in the matter whatsoever, if I had opened my mouth I would have gotten slapped around for it, an yelled at, everyone makes a mistake once in there lives, please, understand this and understand if I wouldve been thinking and could have stopped this I wouldve but sometimes my excitement gets the best of me, I rarely have any excitement do to my disorder, depression ...........it never helps matters much and I also have bi-polar which really makes me go off at times.
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