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Boys just had a fight

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DMikeM, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Duncan is fixed and has been for a year.
    I will be picking up Dowser in 30 minutes and taking the rest of the week off from work for both of us to recover.
    Duncan is a wreck right now. He can't find his Dowser and it is driving him nuts. He is even taking mouthfulls of food and spreading it all over the floor, this is not a Duncan behavior but Dowser does it all the time. Pepsi usually eats these stray nuggets. But she is not eating since Monday morning.

    Such disruption when one dog is missing from the pack.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Poor Duncan :( :( he misses his buddy. Lickily Dowser didnt need to be gone very long

    What do you need to do for the recovery period??
  3. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Recovery is rediculas, 14 days of E colar? That thing broke as he walked into the door jam. No unattended outside for 10 days. Bring in @ 14 days for suture removal. $60.00 for 15 painkillers and $60 for 15 antibiotics? I just paid .87 for the same exact Antibiotic on friday and it is a 30 cap bottle. I think my spinchter is starting to bleed.

    The incesion they made is huge easily 4 inches long. He is walking on it like nothing happened but I think the painkiller is helping there. I will try to up a picture of Mr. Miserable in his fancy lampshade. I am amazed at how muscular he is under that fur.
  4. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Oh yeah Duncan absolutly squeeled like a puppy when he heard Dowser getting out of the car. I could hear him yelping from the back yard all the way out front. It was so bad I thought he was hurt at first and rushed through the house to check. He was jumping up and down at the security screen and yelping to be let in. I was smart and left Dowser in front behind another security screen while he was getting some water. Duncan ran to the screen and just cried while I made him wait. I am amazed at his bond to Dowser.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    what you might try with your e collar is this. I think your dogs head is huge like my dogs but a smaller dog so the the collars that fit their neck are too big for their body. I had a large collar and cut it down about 4 inches. he still couldnt scrtach his asffected area. and then I duct taped it together. so it wouldnt come apart it works great.
  6. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Shouldn't the colar only extend an inch past the nose? This one is 3 past.

    Also he is shaking (shivering) a little, it is not cold in the house but I turned an electric heater on near him and it seems to help. Maybe a comfort issue?
  7. Nik

    Nik New Member

    It's very probably the anethstetic that's making him shiver. It's very common for animals and people to 'appear' to be shivering afterwards. It shouldn't last long.

    I did as Honeybears did and bought a bigger collar and made more holes then taped it together. Floob could reach his stitches (when he was castrated) with the 'right size collar' so I had a sleepless night and went and bought the bigger one the next day.
  8. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Well here is the pic of Doswer resting on his blanket, Pepsi even layed right up behind him to try and comfort him (or herself).

    You can see this collar is kinda big.

    I just shove pics in this folder if someone wants to look.
  9. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Maggie is the queen at getting around the e-collar. Short or long, she could get around them all. Either bend them, break them, chew on them, or just stretch out her leg and lick it like some sort of contortionist (her wound is on her foot). What we found that works for her is a bucket. Like just a regular bucket you would use to wash your car or something. Or a plant pot. And cut the bottom out. Punch holes in the side and take a string and tie it to their collar and then just put it on them like that. It works for Maggie!
  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    omg, poor guy, what a nasty wound. as for the e collarthat is just like what Jakes looked like on him., I thought it was tooso I I cut it down to almost his mouth, but he still didnt have access to his wound and then you see those wierd thread/ hooks on on the neck I cut those off too and put duct tape all around to cushion the edges. Jake can get in and out of our 15 inch dog door no problem and still cat get to his scratch areas. I will try to get a pic of him wearing his tonight and post it. The one just like yours finally fell apart so Will try to show the one I got an the pet store
  11. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Poor fella...I was gonna say I'm glad we don't do that to people but we do restrain them. :?
  12. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Maybe there are a few people out there that might benefit from such restraints. But the collar would need to be an average of 3.5 foot from the neck to prevent tampering. Dowser's in perspective seems to be a 5 footer.

    Well he just tried to convince me he was strong enough to use the back stairs instead of walking around the building to get to the back yard. 3 steps on the stairs and I ended up carrying him back up and around to the front yard. LOL

    Afterwards I cut about 2 inches off his lampshade. Good thing his pain meds are keeping him mellow, might be a good time to trim his nails too!
  13. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Yeah 14 days with the collar is what it takes to get everything healed. It's worth it if you consider the alternative. Hang in there!
    That looks like quite and incision. What a fight!
    That looks like a good collar - and you know, the vet may have left it a little longer so the edges don't rub against the stitches. They will begin to heal and get itchy in a couple of days - then you really have to watch.

    I had a spayed dog that was so flexible - she was able to push the collar down her neck to get to her stitches. The collar was tight, but she was able to wiggle it down another inch to lick and finally start pulling out her stitches. A quick trip back to the vet and a new longer E-collar did the trick!

    Hang in there -- it's only for 2weeks!
  14. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Given where the wound is, cutting a little off shouldnt make a difference. What I normally do is thread the regualr collar through those loops, the gauze thats holding it one probably wont last the 2 weeks and the collar is more secure.

    As for trimming his nails....never miss an opportunity :D

    Hope your both feeling better.
  15. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Well I just had my first full night sleep in almost 2 weeks since becoming sick myself. Man that felt good.

    Dowser was sleeping quietly at my feet and Duncan was dancing the pee dance as I woke up.
    After cutting back the collar a little things are much better, Dowser can actually get a drink without my help and he is not banging it on everything all over the place.

    DeLaUK, I think they might have put falsies in Dowsers uh, scrotum. I did not ask them to do this or is there normally something that would make it still appear to be intact?
    He seems far more alert today so I think nail trimming would still be a chore, will wait until the morning pain pill kicks in and see if he goes drowsey again.
  16. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    The scrotum is very swollen after neutering. Between the shaving and the surgery - the dogs appear to be well, let's just say - "endowed"!!!
    The testicles have been actually removed from them and in a few weeks the swelling will go down and there will be just a little empty sac that will eventually shrink away.
    He'll be just fine.
  17. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :D I doubt they would have put falsies in, have you seen how much those things cost :shock: and thats without paying for the neuter itself(Neuticals...had quite a few clients in Beverly Hills that had the vet put them in their dogs).

    With him being an adult now it will take longer for the skin to....not look like hes got Neuticles in there. With pups theres pretty much no sign at all of anything hanging. He may always have some hanging down but after a while its not so much that you can see it.

    sorry if that was a bit graphic :oops:
  18. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Some people are putting in the "falsies" because you can't show an neutered dog in conformation at an AKC show. Altered females can be shown - nobody needs to know the girls' secret!!

    People that get their dogs this type of surgery are folks that like the show circuit but don't want to breed. A neutered ACK dog can be shown in the Junior Showmanship, obedience, and agility rings.
  19. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Well he did have huge cajonies as did his dad. :shock: People often asked if he had troubles getting around. (mostly male peoples during BBQ parties)
  20. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    lol lol lol :D

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